2-11 September 2021
Institute of Plasma Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Za Slovankou 1782/3, 18200 Prague 8, Czech Republic
Europe/Prague timezone

The aim of this Summerschool is to provide a series of lectures focused on selected advanced topics of quantum physics (constrained quantum dynamics, time correlators in quantum mechanics and many body quantum chaos, many body perturbation theory for correlated electronic systems, mass renormalization and Abraham-Lorentz force in atomic physics, an introduction to supersymmetry, monopoles / vortices / domain walls in nonlinear field theory).

Each course will assume only basic (MSc type) prior knowledge of quantum mechanics.

Due to gradually improving covid-19 pandemic situation, the School will take place as scheduled above. We shall implement a hybrid format, in which some lecturers and participants are present in the classroom while some are connected online, according to their personal preferences. The registration fees in case of an online participation are waived.

Videos of all the courses are freely available here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bouYKZAxUgpmYiOxBTSydcSHWswE3hFq?usp=sharing