Apr 7 – 10, 2025
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Prague timezone
Click on "Registrations and submissions" to register to the conference.

Plenary, invited and oral talks

For this 6th edition of the conference, 20 speakers have been invited by the scientific committee to present on recent advancements in the field of diagnostics across the conference's four sections. The scientific committee has also selected 28 contributions for oral presentations.

The program includes:


Prize winner talk

To be selected.


Pleanary lectures

Carlo Sozzi
Institute for Plasma Science and Technology, Italy
Magnetic confinement fusion

Diagnostics for large tokamaks: from JET to JT-60SA [abstract]

Maria Gatu Johnson
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Beam Plasmas and Inertial Fusion

Development of an inertial confinement fusion platform to study nuclear reactions relevant to nuclear astrophysics [abstract]

Alexandros Gerakis
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg
Low temperature and Dusty Plasmas

Non-resonant four wave mixing techniques for the thermodynamic characterization of neutrals, ions, electrons and nanoparticles in a gas discharge [abstract]

Tim Kallman
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, USA
Basic Space and Astrophysical Plasmas

The XRISM mission and lessons for plasma physics [abstract]


Invited speakers - Magnetic confinement fusion

Ivana Abramovic
Commonweath Fusion Systems, USA
Magnetic confinement fusion

Advancing Synthetic Diagnostics for Plasma Control and Pulse Planning in SPARC [abstract]

Jiří Adámek
Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS, Czech Republic
Magnetic confinement fusion

Advances in Plasma Diagnostics: 20 Years of the Ball-Pen Probe in Fusion and Non-Fusion Research [abstract]

Andrea Dal Molin
Institute for Plasma Science and Technology, Italy
Magnetic confinement fusion

Measurement of the Gamma-Ray-to-Neutron Branching Ratio for the Deuterium-Tritium Reaction in Magnetic Confinement Fusion Plasma [abstract]

Azarakhsh Jalalvand
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL), USA
Magnetic confinement fusion

Leveraging AI for Resilient Fusion Plasma monitoring and Control: Mitigating Failures and Enhancing Diagnostic [abstract]

Martin Kočan
ITER, France
Magnetic confinement fusion

Progress on ITER diagnostic [abstract]

Victor Malka
Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Magnetic confinement fusion

Femtosecond relativistic electron microscopy of laser-plasma wakefield [abstract]

Chu Zhou
University of Science and Technology of China
Magnetic confinement fusion

Multi-scale turbulence measurement by integrated backscattering, forward scattering and cross-polarization scattering of Doppler reflectometer [abstract]


Invited speakers - Beam Plasmas and Inertial Fusion

Matthias Geissel
Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Beam Plasmas and Inertial Fusion

Using High-Performance Cameras for Advanced Plasma Diagnostics [abstract]

Emma Hume
National Optical Institute (CNR-INO), Italy
Beam Plasmas and Inertial Fusion

Characterization of electrons in intense laser-plasma interactions, both utilizing solid and gas targets [abstract]
Dominik Kraus
University of Rostock, Germany
Beam Plasmas and Inertial Fusion

X-ray diagnostics of dense plasmas relevant to stellar interiors and inertial fusion energy [abstract]


Invited speakers - Low Temperature and Dusty Plasmas

Hiroshi Akatsuka
Laboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy, Institute of Science Tokyo, Japan
Low temperature and Dusty Plasmas

Optical Emission Spectroscopic Measurement of Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma by Continuum and Line Emissions with Collisional Radiative Model [abstract]
Hans Hoeft
Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology, Germany
Low temperature and Dusty Plasmas

Synchronised fast optical and electrical diagnostics for pulsed-driven atmospheric pressure discharges [abstract]

Svetlana Starikovskaia
Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas, Ecole Polytechnique, France
Low temperature and Dusty Plasmas

“Gradient” discharge for plasma-assisted detonation: controlled production of gradient of radicals [abstract]
Erik Wagenaars
University of York, United Kingdom
Low temperature and Dusty Plasmas

Measuring atomic radicals in atmospheric-pressure plasmas [abstract]


Invited speakers - Basic Space and Astrophysical Plasmas

Laura Hayes
Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Dublin, Ireland
Basic Space and Astrophysical Plasmas

The Flaring Sun: X-ray Diagnostics of Solar Flares with Solar Orbiter [abstract]
Daniel Verscharen
Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College of London, United Kingdown
Basic Space and Astrophysical Plasmas

In-situ measurements of space plasma: recent progress and future challenges [abstract]


Oral talks

Magnetic confinement fusion

  • Andrei Goussarov - Long term operation of the Fibre Optics Current Sensor at JET

  • Hao Wu - Bayesian integrated estimation of tungsten impurity concentration distributions at WEST using soft X-ray and bolometer diagnostics

  • Beatrice Tosto - Fast evaluation of the Fast-Ion Dα spectroscopy measurements at the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak

  • Longyong LIAO - A scintillating-fiber detector for the deuterium-deuterium fusion-born triton confinement study in EAST tokamak

  • Lidiia Lobanova - Plasma-chemical mechanism of surface destruction of the diagnostic system components inside east vacuum vessel

  • Yunxin Cheng - First observation of line emissions from W46+ ions at 7-8 Å by Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrometers in Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak with full tungsten divertor

  • Pavel Turjanica - Innovative Magnetic Field Sensors for Fusion Reactors: Harnessing the Thick Printed Copper Technology

  • Maylis Carrard - Real-time reflectometry for control experiment in tokamak plasma

  • To be replaced soon

  • Yang Liu - The influence of magnetic field and plasma on the diagnosis of wall material by LIAS in HIT-PSI device

  • Fabio Federici - Improved performance of IRVB foils to image low- to moderate-temperature plasma radiation

  • Petra Bilkova - Diagnostics for COMPASS Upgrade tokamak

  • Koyo Munechika - Synthetic framework for ITER bolometer performance assessment

Beam Plasmas and Inertial Fusion

  • Feng Wang - High spatiotemporal resolution two-dimensional shock wave diagnosis technology based on compressive sensing and neural network technology

  • Ioannis Tazes - Experimental observation of Magnetic Vortex Accelerated ions by femtosecond laser interaction with optically shaped gaseous targets in the near critical density plasma regime

  • Alejandro Laso Garcia - Solid Density Plasmas Diagnotics at the HED-HiBEF Instrument at EuXFEL

  • Jinshui Xiao - First Experimental Results of Multi-physics Parameter Diagnosis in a MA-class Dense Plasma Focus

  • Ryuya Yamada - Thermal neutron imaging for laser-driven neutron sources

  • Yasunobu Arikawa - Pico second time resolution neutron detector for burning plasma measurement on inertial confinement fusion

  • Xu Zhao - Angular-resolved scattered light diagnostics for laser-plasma instability studies in inertial confinement fusion

Low temperature and dusty plasmas

  • Jiří Fujera - Advanced analysis of overlapping molecular spectra to determine vibrational distributions of excited electronic states of N2, N2+ and NO

  • Riccardo Agnello - Insights from Beam Emission Spectroscopy in SPIDER in multi-beamlet configuration

  • Stefan Irimiciuc - Selective acceleration and gas phase chemistry during expansion of laser-produced oxide and nitride plasma via angle- and time-resolved electrical diagnostics

  • Jianyu Feng - Optical emission spectroscopy diagnostics of novel DCSBD linear jet plasma system

  • Drew Elliott - Design and commissioning of the optical diagnostic suite for the Material Plasma Exposure eXperiment: optimization for steady-state operations and high heat flux 

Basic Space and Astrophysical Plasmas

  • Juan Zhao - Development of the 18MJ pulsed power system of SPERF

  • Luciano Gottardi - Diagnostic of magnetically confined plasmas with superconducting transition edge sensors