The 6th European Conference on Plasma Diagnostics is organized by the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (IPP CAS), Prague, Czech Republic.
The organizing institute is the main entity in the Czech Republic specializing in the research and applications of plasma. The scope of the IPP CAS includes a wide range of activities from low temperature plasma discharges to high temperature laser and tokamak plasmas. The scope extends to material engineering - interaction of materials with high-temperature plasma (e.g. in tokamaks), as well as plasma technologies for preparation of new materials, using so called low-temperature (thermal) plasma. Furthermore, the focus is also on development of special optics and optoelectronics systems for plasma diagnostics, astronomy, and space applications.
The Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences operated the COMPASS tokamak in 2009 - 2021 (see virtual tour). Presently, the COMPASS Upgrade tokamak - a fully new 5 T / 2 MA device - is under construction (see video introduction).
Local Organizing Committee
Main organizers
- Jordan Cavalier, IPP CAS, Fusion Plasma division, Chair of the local organizing committee
- Martin Hron, IPP CAS, head of Fusion Plasma division
- Milan Simek, IPP CAS, Plasma Chemistry and Materials division
- Miroslav Krus, IPP CAS, Laser Plasma division
- Renaud Dejarnac, IPP CAS, Fusion Plasma division - Photographer
- Andre Torres, IPP CAS, Fusion Plasma division - Graphical designer
- Eva Belonohy, Eurofusion - Indico assistance
- Dario Cruz, Fusenet - Indico assistance
- Miglena Dimitrova, IPP CAS, Fusion Plasma division - Logistic