Apr 7 – 10, 2025
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Prague timezone
Click on registrations and submissions to register to the conference or the PROBONO event.

Reach the IPP CAS

The 6th European Conference on Plasma Diagnostics is organized by the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences  (IPP CAS), Prague, Czech Republic.

  • On Thursday, April 10th afternoon, a visit of the facility will be proposed to interested participants
  • On Friday, April 11th, the PROBONO satellite meeting will be organized at the IPP


Below are details on how to reach the IPP CAS.

This is not the venue of the conference. Click here to see details on the venue.


How to reach the IPP reception from the DUO hotel

  1. Take either the metro line C or the buses 177 or 152.
  2. Stop in Ladvi
  3. Follow the steps described in the second part below

U Slovanky 1746/1, 182 00 Prague 8

From the DUO hotel to the IPP reception


How to reach the IPP reception in general

Take the metro line C  and go to the metro station Ladvi and follow the map below.

  1. Arrive to the metro station Ladvi
  2. There are several exits, follow the "tunnel with pandas" till the end
  3. Follow the map – blue trace
  4. At the entrance, ask the reception for help

U Slovanky 1746/1, 182 00 Prague 8

From the Ládví station to the IPP reception