Apr 7 – 10, 2025
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Prague timezone
Click on "Registrations and submissions" to register to the conference.

Special issue

Following the conference, a call for papers will be issued for a special issue of Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (PPCF). 

All conference contributors (talks and posters) will be eligible to submit a paper for this issue. Submitted papers will then undergo the standard journal review process and should  meet the journal's quality criteria and be novel to be accepted, just like regular submitted papers.

Expected submission period: from 1st May to 30th September 2025.

Author guidelines

The submitted conference papers should follow the PPCF standards, e.g. PPCF template and peer-reviewed articles. We invite contributors to read the PPCF author guidelines and About PPCF pages for the complete list of instructions. Below is a breakdown of the most importants ones

Type of contributions
All types of contributions are accepted, i.e. standard papers, letters, topical reviews etc. We expect most articles to be standard papers but speakers at the conference may think of submitting letters or topical review papers.

Article format
We quote PPCF: "You can format your paper in the way that you choose!". There is thus no provided template. However, you can follow the word and LateX instructions provided by the journal.

There is no specified page limits, although letters are expected to be 4-6 journal pages.

Peer reviewing
Peer reviewing of the conference proceedings will follow the standard PPCF process. High quality papers are thus expected.

Publication charges
Publication on a subscription-access basis (not open access) is free of charge. Authors have the option to pay the publication charge to publish their article on an open access basis. This option is not covered by the conference fee and is under the author(s) responsability.

Why to publish in a special issue?

  • More citations and visibility
    Special issue papers will appear on a dedicated special issue landing page linked to the conference. These papers are also formally published in the regular monthly issue of the journal with all the other papers but with a special issue tag linking to the special issue landing page. They usually get more citations than standard articles.

  • Rapid publication
    Papers are published as soon as the referee process is finished. One does not wait for the issue to be complete.

  • All publication types available
    Authors may choose the full spectrum of article types offered by PPCF, such as letters, reviews, regular papers.