Apr 7 – 10, 2025
Prague, Czech Republic
Europe/Prague timezone
Click on "Registrations and submissions" to register to the conference.



The registration to the conference will open on Sunday, April 6th 17:00 during the welcome reception (see below). On Monday, April 7th, the registration will open from 08:00. Registration will be possible every day at the welcoming desk.

Scientific program

The first version of the tentative program for the conference is now available. Please note that the schedule is subject to change. A more refined version of the program will be released soon.

typical one-day program will include:

  • A 45-minute plenary talk from one of the four conference thematics
  • Several 30-minute invited talks from the four conference thematics
  • Several 20-minute oral presentations from the four conference thematics
  • A poster session

The list of plenary talks and invited speakers is final and can be consulted here.


Social program

All social events are included in the conference fee.

Welcome reception
Sunday, 6th April 2025, 17:00 - 19:00,  at the DUO congress center of the conference.

Address: Teplická 492, 190 00 Praha 9
Metro station:

Conference dinner
Wednesday, 9th April 2025, departure 19:00 at the Hybernska restaurant. Typical Czech food and drinks will be served.

Address: Dlážděná 1003/7, 110 00 Prague 1
Metro station: Náměstí Republiky

Tour of IPP
Thursday, 10th April 2025, afternoon, a tour of the Czech Institute of Plasma Physics is planned for interested participants. The tour will include visits to the COMPASS Upgrade tokamak facility, currently under construction, and the laser facility (PALS). Registration will be possible at the registration desk of the conference.