Sep 5 – 9, 2016
Prague Congress Centre
Europe/Prague timezone

P4.112 Experimental simulation of super-X divertor for detached plasma by TPD-Sheet IV

Sep 8, 2016, 2:20 PM
1h 40m
Foyer 2A (2nd floor), 3A (3rd floor) (Prague Congress Centre)

Foyer 2A (2nd floor), 3A (3rd floor)

Prague Congress Centre

5. května 65, Prague, Czech Republic
Board: 112
Poster F. Plasma Facing Components P4 Poster session


Toshikio Takimoto (Tokai University)


In the magnetic confinement fusion reactor for high power and long pulse operation, enormous heat flux (exceeding 10 MW/m22) is expected to flow onto divertor plates from core plasma. In order to reduce this heat load, the divertor geometry on stationary detached plasma formation must be realized. In addition, the neutral particle flowback into the core plasma is necessary to suppress by the divertor geometry. The super-X divertor has been proposed by DEMO divertor concept, investigated using simulations. Its optimization needs detail information on confined neutral particles and their physical process. Experimental simulations of divertor geometries for the formation of detached hydrogen sheet plasma using the linear divertor plasma simulator TPD-Sheet IV1)1). In order to understand the basic mechanism of detached plasma, we have carried out an experiment using Super-X target geometry. In this experiment, the ionization and recombination rate are discussed by using the Collisional-Radiative (CR) model. The electron density and temperature were measured using a Langmuir probe. Ionization and recombination ratio (RIon, RRec) are discussed from experimental data of Te and ne, using the CR model. In the result that Super-X target effectively enhances plasma detachment in the low pressure. 1) S. Tanaka, et al.: Fusion Sci. Tech. 63 420 (2013).


Humitaka Ishikawa (Tokai University, 4-1-1, Kitakaname, Hiratsuka, Kanagawa, Japan) Kazutaka Kawamura (Tokai University, 4-1-1, Kitakaname, Hiratsuka, Kanagawa, Japan) Sato Kohnosuke (Chubu Electric Power Co.lnc., 20-1, Kitasekiyama, Ohdaka, Aichi, Japan) Takaaki Iijima (Tokai University, 4-1-1, Kitakaname, Hiratsuka, Kanagawa, Japan) Tonegawa Akira (Tokai University, 4-1-1, Kitakaname, Hiratsuka, Kanagawa, Japan) Toshikio Takimoto (Tokai University, 4-1-1, Kitakaname, Hiratsuka, Kanagawa, Japan)

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