2:20 PM
P1.117 Advances of the Design Study of ITER-like divertor target for DEMO
Fabio Crescenzi
(Fusion and Technology for Nuclear Safety and Security)
2:20 PM
P1.151 An equation of state for lead lithium eutectic
Paul Humrickhouse
(Fusion Safety Program)
2:20 PM
P1.057 Real-time calibration parameter compensation of metal resistive bolometers operating in a thermal varying environment
Florian Penzel
(Max Planck Institut für Plasmaphysik)
2:20 PM
P1.058 ITER Erosion/Deposition Monitor Diagnostic
Nancy Ageorges
(Kampf Telescope Optics)
2:20 PM
P1.060 The preparation of the Shutdown Dose Rate experiment for the next JET Deuterium-Tritium campaign
Nicola Fonnesu
(Department of Fusion and Nuclear Safety Technology)
2:20 PM
P1.053 Electromagnetic analysis of the in-vessel ITER plasma-position reflectometry antennas
Paulo Quental
(IPFN - Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear)
2:20 PM
P1.054 Diamond Window Diagnostics Concepts For Fusion Reactors - Updates of the Design
Francesco Mazzocchi
2:20 PM
P1.055 Conceptual design and dynamic simulation of a fast-ion loss detector for ITER
Juan Ayllon
2:20 PM
P1.056 Conceptual studies for the management of thermal properties of ITER bolometer cameras
Gabor Nadasi
(Plasma Physics)
2:20 PM
P1.022 The transmission line for the SPIDER experiment: from design to installation
Marco Boldrin
(Consorzio RFX (CNR)
2:20 PM
P1.021 Installation and site testing of the SPIDER Ion Source and Extraction Power Supplies
Andrea Zamengo
(Consorzio RFX)
2:20 PM
P1.018 Properties of plasma injected in open magnetic trap from independent UHF source
Sulkhan Nanobashvili
(Andronikashvili Institute of Physics)
2:20 PM
P1.017 Comparison of HESEL SOL turbulence simulations with BES measurements on EAST
Gergo Pokol
(Institute of Nuclear Techniques)
2:20 PM
P1.020 Fabrication of DLC cone for fast ignition experiment
Mayuko Koga
(Graduate School of Engineering)
2:20 PM
P1.019 Measurement of flow velocity during natural convection in nanofluids
Konstantinos Kouloulias
(Department of Mechanical Engineering)
2:20 PM
P1.014 Tokamak COMPASS-Upgrade support structure study
David Sestak
(Institute of Plasma Physics at the Czech Academy of Science)
2:20 PM
P1.013 Monitoring of W7-X Cryostat Commissioning with Cryostat System FE Model
Paul van Eeten
(Max-Planck-Institut fur Plasmaphysik, Device Operation, Greifswald, Germany)
2:20 PM
P1.016 Study of current ramp up for the China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor
Li Liu
(School of Nuclear Sciences and Technology)
2:20 PM
P1.015 Integration design platform of CFETR
Minyou Ye
(School of Nuclear Sciences and Technology)
2:20 PM
P1.103 Potential irradiation of Cu alloys and tungsten samples in DONES
Fernando Mota
(Laboratorio Nacional de Fusion)
2:20 PM
P1.105 Mechanical characterization of electrochemically based W–Cu joints for low temperature heat sink application
Wolfgang Krauss
(Institute for Applied Materials)
2:20 PM
P1.106 Design of high-strength, high-conductivity, creep-resistant Cu alloys for fusion high heat flux structures
Steven Zinkle
(University of Tennessee)
2:20 PM
P1.107 Residual stresses evaluation during Plasma Facing Units Hot Radial Pressing manufacturing process
Selanna Roccella
2:20 PM
P1.108 Influence of divertor material modifications on the inventory of tritium in the divertor region
Mihails Halitovs
(University of Latvia)
2:20 PM
P1.109 Investigation of hydrogen isotopes interaction with lithium CPS under reactor irradiation
Timur Kulsartov
(Institute of Atomic Energy of National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
2:20 PM
P1.110 Erosion and morphology changes of F82H steel under simultaneous hydrogen and helium irradiation
Koki Yakusiji
(Osaka university)
2:20 PM
P1.200 Radiological impact mitigation of waste coming from the European Fusion Reactor DCLL DEMO
Raquel Garcia
(Power Engineering Department)
2:20 PM
P1.199 Environmental safety assessment for fusion reactor due to gaseous tritium release
Muyi Ni
(Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology)
2:20 PM
P1.201 Activation and decay heat analysis of the European DEMO blanket concepts
Tim Eade
(Culham Centre for Fusion Energy)
2:20 PM
P1.202 A comparison study of shutdown dose rate using R2S and D1S method in K-DEMO
Jae Hyun Kim
(Nuclear Engineering)
2:20 PM
P1.195 Research Progress in Effect of Tantalum Element on Mechanical Performance of CLAM Steel
Shaojun Liu
(Key Laboratory of Neutronics and Radiation Safety)
2:20 PM
P1.196 Status and planning of ITER material activation experiments at JET
Lee Packer
(Nuclear Technology Department)
2:20 PM
P1.197 EU DEMO safety and operating requirements. Issues and possible solutions
Sergio Ciattaglia
(Power Plant Physics & Technology Department)
2:20 PM
P1.198 Gaps analysis for the DEMO safety research and development
Yican Wu
(Key Laboratory of Neutronics and Radiation Safety)
2:20 PM
P1.033 Electron cyclotron stray radiation detection and machine protection system proposal for JT-60SA
Alessandro Moro
(Istituto di Fisica del Plasma "Piero Caldirola" IFP-CNR)
2:20 PM
P1.203 Neutron activation in heat transfer systems of nuclear fusion devices
Andrius Tidikas
(Laboratory of Nuclear Installation Safety)
2:20 PM
P1.204 Methodology of the Source Term estimation for DEMO Rector
Guido Mazzini
(Nuclear Safety Research Section)
2:20 PM
P1.101 Characterization of the particles dispersion in W-Ti and W-V alloys by SANS
Angel Munoz
(Departamento de Física)
2:20 PM
P1.095 Joint testing of the 3 Tesla ST40 spherical tokamak toroidal field coil test assembly
Bill Huang
(Tokamak Energy)
2:20 PM
P1.091 The tilted toroidal field coil concept for advanced tokamaks
Renato Gatto
(Department of Astronautical)
2:20 PM
P1.135 Ultra-sensitive ultrasonic testing method on bi-metallic explosion plate for ITER low-temperature superconducting joint box
Jiang Beiyan
(Hefei Juneng Electro Physics High-tech Development Co.)
2:20 PM
P1.090 Mechanical pre-dimensioning and pre-optimization of tokamaks’ toroidal coils featuring a winding pack layout
Anatoly Panin
(Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH)
2:20 PM
P1.094 The preassembly of the tokamak T-15MD magnet system
Petr Khvostenko
(NRC"Kurchatov Institute")
2:20 PM
P1.092 Conceptual design study of toroidal field magnet system of SST-2 fusion reactor
Aashoo Sharma
(Institute for Plasma Research)
2:20 PM
P1.087 Thermal-Hydraulic and Quench Analysis of the DEMO Toroidal Field Winding Pack WP1
Kamil Sedlak
(Swiss Plasma Center)
2:20 PM
P1.086 Cost Estimate for the Toroidal Field Coil System of DEMO
Pierluigi Bruzzone
(Swiss Plasma Center)
2:20 PM
P1.089 Central solenoid winding pack design
Rainer Wesche
2:20 PM
P1.088 Towards a multi-physic platform for fusion magnet design – Application to DEMO TF coil
Quentin Le Coz
2:20 PM
P1.142 Design of a Standalone Joint Module toward Real EAST In-vessel Operation Use
Liang Du
(Robotics Institute)
2:20 PM
P1.042 Conceptual design study of pellet fuelling system for DEMO
Shinsuke Tokunaga
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
2:20 PM
P1.141 Structural Analysis and Stiffness Improvement for Flexible In-vessel Inspection System for EAST
Weijun Zhang
(Robotics Institute)
2:20 PM
P1.077 Development of optical probe for local emission profile measurements in VEST
Jae-young Jang
(Department of Nuclear Engineering)
2:20 PM
P1.111 Implementation of ferritic steel as in vessel wall: Lessons learnt and followed up
Irene Zammuto
(Max Planck Institut für Plasmaphysik)
2:20 PM
P1.112 Effect of engineering constraints on charged particle wall heat loads in DEMO
Francesco Maviglia
(Power Plant Physics & Technology Department)
2:20 PM
P1.104 Melt infiltrated W-Cu composites as advanced heat sink materials for plasma facing components
Alexander von Muller
(Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik)
2:20 PM
P1.138 Manufacturing and Installation of the JT60-SA Helium Storage Vessels for the Cryogenic Plant
Antonino Cardella
(Broader Fusion Development)
2:20 PM
P1.136 Thermo-mechanical analysis of the Tore Supra WEST Cooling Water System
Stephane Gazzotti
2:20 PM
P1.137 Qualification, manufacturing and assembly of the WEST divertor structure and coils
Louis Doceul
(CEA Cadarache)
2:20 PM
P1.140 Three-dimensional condensation regime of steam injected into water at sub-atmospheric conditions
D. Mazed
(Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering (DICI))
2:20 PM
P1.027 Electron Emission Under Uniform Magnetic Field of Materials For Fusion And Spatial Applications
Nicolas Fil
2:20 PM
P1.031 Recent results on ECR assisted plasma start-up, current drive and discharge cleaning in SST-1
Braj Shukla
2:20 PM
P1.032 Design of dual-frequency transmission lines for the ECRH systems on HL-2M
Donghui Xia
(State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology)
2:20 PM
P1.029 Coupled thermal-hydraulic and thermal-mechanical analysis of a 1MW gyrotron cavity cooled by mini-channels
Andrea Bertinetti
(Politecnico di Torino)
2:20 PM
P1.030 Physics-based modelling of the ECRH system for MHD control applications
Christos Tsironis
(Electrical and Computer Engineering)
2:20 PM
P1.028 High power test of a temperature controlled diplexer for electron cyclotron current drive system
Mikio Saigusa
(College of Engineering)
2:20 PM
P1.025 Manufacturing and assembly of the cooling plant for SPIDER experiment
Francesco Fellin
(Consorzio RFX)
2:20 PM
P1.026 The 10-MW EPSM Modulator and other KIT FULGOR Gyrotron Test Facility key components
Martin Schmid
(Institute of Pulsed Power and Microwave Technology (IHM))
2:20 PM
P1.023 Implementation of the SPIDER Central Interlock
Cesare Taliercio
(Consorzio RFX, Padova, Italy)
2:20 PM
P1.024 SPIDER High Voltage Bushings: design, development and first experimental tests
Nicola Pilan
(Consorzio RFX)
2:20 PM
P1.045 Real time control developments at JET in preparation for deuterium-tritium operation
Morten Lennholm
(Jet Exploitation Unit)
2:20 PM
P1.173 Repeatability of irradiation damage and of recovery by post-irradiation annealing of EUROFER base steels
Hans-Christian Schneider
(Institute for Applied Materials)
2:20 PM
P1.172 R&D activities and latest progress of dual functional lead lithium test blanket module
Qunying Huang
(Key Laboratory of Neutronics and Radiation Safety)
2:20 PM
P1.169 The current status and challenges of the PbLi cold trap development undertaken at CVR
Otakar Frybort
(Technical calculations department)
2:20 PM
P1.168 Influence of modifications of HCLL blanket design on MHD pressure losses
Chiara Mistrangelo
(Institute for Nuclear and Energy Technologies)
2:20 PM
P1.171 Nuclear analysis of the HCLL blanket for the European DEMO
Jean-Charles Jaboulay
(Department of Systems and Structures Modelling)
2:20 PM
P1.170 Helium bubble release from Pb-16Li within the Breeding Blanket
Michal Kordac
2:20 PM
P1.165 Accident Analysis on LOCA in HCCR-TBS towards CCWS-1
Mu-Young Ahn
(National Fusion Research Institute)
2:20 PM
P1.164 Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of the support component Between TBM and TBM-shield
Seong Dae Park
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI))
2:20 PM
P1.167 Thermal optimization of the Helium-Cooled Lithium Lead breeding zone layout design regarding TBR enhancement
Pietro Arena
(Dipartimento di Energia)
2:20 PM
P1.166 Development of the real-scale helium circulator for the HCS of HCCR-TBS
Eo Hwak Lee
2:20 PM
P1.134 ESPN regulation applied to the Port Plug Structure for ITER Diagnostic system
Thibaud Giacomin
(Port Plugs & Diagnostics Integration Division)
2:20 PM
P1.133 Specific design and structural issues of single crystalline first mirrors for diagnostics
Yury Krasikov
(Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
2:20 PM
P1.051 Signal processing for the extreme environment Hall sensors
Slavomir Entler
(Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS)
2:20 PM
P1.085 DEMO-EUROFusion Tokamak, design of TF coil inter-layer splice joint
Boris Stepanov
2:20 PM
P1.206 Disposal Procedure for contaminated surface of tritium handling facility in the decommissioning operation
Toshiharu Takeishi
(Applied Quantum Physics and Nuclear Engineering)
2:20 PM
P1.205 Development and identification of detritiation techniques for DEMO radioactive waste management
Lucie Karaskova Nenadalova
(Nuclear Fuel Cycle)
2:20 PM
P1.207 Environmental impact of nuclear fusion biomass gasification plant
Shutaro Takeda
(Institute of Advanced Energy)
2:20 PM
P1.040 A SysML model of the tokamak subsystems involved in a DEMO pulse
Ian Jenkins
2:20 PM
P1.039 Simulation of burn control for DEMO using ASTRA coupled with Simulink
Filip Janky
(Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics)
2:20 PM
P1.038 Extension of heating and pulse power capabilities at ASDEX Upgrade
Claus-Peter Kasemann
(Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics)
2:20 PM
P1.037 Helium neutral beam injection into ASDEX Upgrade
Christian Hopf
(Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics)
2:20 PM
P1.036 Fabrication of the ICRF antenna of ASDEX-U device
Yang Qing Xi
(Institute of Plasma Physics)
2:20 PM
P1.035 Characterization and performance improvement of large titanium sublimation pumps in AUG and W7-X NBI
Guillermo Orozco
2:20 PM
P1.084 Analysis of partial blockage of the coolant in a TF coil of the EU-DEMO
Alberto Brighenti
(Energy Department)
2:20 PM
P1.082 A DEMO relevant long leg divertor with external poloidal field coils
Simon McIntosh
(Culham Centre for Fusion Energy)
2:20 PM
P1.083 Experimental stand for thermal-hydraulic tests of forced flow conductors using water at room temperature
Aleksandra Dembkowska
(Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics)
2:20 PM
P1.080 Development of diagnostic neutral beam injector for charge exchange spectroscopy in VEST
Kihyun Lee
(Department of Engineering)
2:20 PM
P1.081 Development of the bronze processed Nb3Sn multifilamentary wires using Cu-Sn-Zn ternary alloy matrix
Yoshimitsu Hishinuma
(National Institute for Fusion Science)
2:20 PM
P1.078 Design of combined system of charge exchange spectroscopy and beam emission spectroscopy in VEST
YooSung Kim
(Department of Nuclear Enigneering)
2:20 PM
P1.079 Development of multi-pass Thomson scattering diagnostic system for VEST
Young-Gi Kim
(Department of Nuclear Engineering)
2:20 PM
P1.075 Upgraded electromagnetic measure system for RFX-mod
Giuseppe Marchiori
(Consorzio RFX)
2:20 PM
P1.041 Progress of DEMO physics design study in Japan
Yoshiteru Sakamoto
(Department of Fusion Power Systems)
2:20 PM
P1.157 Effective thermal conductivity of advanced breeder pebble beds
Simone Pupeschi
(Institute for Applied Materials (IAM))
2:20 PM
P1.156 DNS of Turbulent Heat Transfer in pipe flow via MPI+OpenMP for multi-CPU
Shin-ichi Satake
(Applied Electronics)
2:20 PM
P1.155 Deuterium thermally induced desorption for HCPB breeder compositions during electron irradiation at relevant temperatures
Maria Gonzalez
2:20 PM
P1.154 Radiation effects on the chemical stability and deuterium extraction capability for ceramic breeders
Alejandro Morono
(National Fusion Laboratory)
2:20 PM
P1.161 Thermal analyses of beryllide pebbles in water vapor atmosphere as advanced neutron multipliers
Jae-Hwan Kim
(Department of Blanket Systems Research)
2:20 PM
P1.160 The thermal analysis to pebble bed of CFETR
Yuanjie Li
2:20 PM
P1.159 Theoretical and Experimental Study on Effective Thermal Conductivity of Pebble Beds for Fusion Blanket
Hongli Chen
(School of Nuclear Science and Technology)
2:20 PM
P1.158 Experimental study on effective thermal conductivity of pebble beds for fusion blankets
Shuang Wang
(School of Nuclear Science and Technology)
2:20 PM
P1.163 Safety analysis of the helium cooling system for the HCSB blanket of CFETR
Shuai Wang
(School of Nuclear Science and Technology)
2:20 PM
P1.162 Parameter study on helium cooled ceramic breeder blanket neutronics with CFETR system code
Kun Xu
(School of Nuclear Sciences and Technology)
2:20 PM
P1.061 Hardware architecture the JET Neutron Camera Upgrade (NCU) new data acquisition and processing system
Marco Riva
2:20 PM
P1.096 HTS CroCo for future fusion magnets
Walter H. Fietz
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
2:20 PM
P1.180 Micro-pillar compression test on ion-irradiated F82H
Ryuta Kasada
(Institute of Advanced Energy)
2:20 PM
P1.004 SHe cooling performance evaluation of 600 W Helium Refrigerator/liquefier with variable temperature supplies
Akifumi Iwamoto
(National Institute for Fusion Science)
2:20 PM
P1.122 Progress of engineering design and analysis of hl-2m advanced divertor
Lijun Cai
(Southwestern Institute of Physics)
2:20 PM
P1.121 Electromagnetic and structure analysis for EAST vacuum vessel with plasma facing components during VDE
Sumei Liu
(School of Engineering)
2:20 PM
P1.125 In vessel electrical integraton in ITER Tokamak
Jorge Gonzalez
2:20 PM
P1.123 Cooling concepts for CFETR divertor target
Xuebing Peng
(Insititute of Plasma Physics)
2:20 PM
P1.124 Evaluation of heat load on CFETR divertor for impurity seeding using SOLPS
Xiaoju Liu
(Institute of plasma physics chinese academy of sciences)
2:20 PM
P1.129 High spatial resolution heating for the ITER vacuum vessel with updated C-lite MCNP model
Anton Travleev
2:20 PM
P1.130 Influence of welding on stiffened box structure during fabrication of ITER VV Inboard Segment
Kwen-Hee Hong
(Tokamak Engineering Department)
2:20 PM
P1.127 Manufacturing progress of first delivery sectors of ITER vacuum vessel thermal shield
Dong Kwon Kang
(ITER Korea)
2:20 PM
P1.128 Nuclear responses in the ITER IVVS port cell
Davide Flammini
(Department of Fusion and Nuclear Safety Technology)
2:20 PM
P1.116 Progress in the initial design activities for the European DEMO divertor
Jeong-Ha You
(Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics)
2:20 PM
P1.131 Design, Validation and Manufacturing of ITER Vacuum Components, & Leak Localization
Liam Worth
(ITER Organization)
2:20 PM
P1.132 Reliability analysis of the ITER LCTS double plate support
Chang Hyun Noh
2:20 PM
P1.115 Physics design study of the divertor power handling in 8m-sized DEMO reactor
Kazuo Hoshino
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
2:20 PM
P1.002 Design and Structural Analysis of the Upending Tool
Jinho Bae
(Tokamak Technology)
2:20 PM
P1.001 Comparative study between code and analytical stress intensification factor in ITER cooling system piping
Aditya Singh
(Cooling Water System)
2:20 PM
P1.046 Plasma equilibrium based on RF-driven current profile without assuming nested magnetic surfaces on QUEST
Kazuo Nakamura
(Nuclear Fusion Dynamics)
2:20 PM
P1.182 Effects of mechanical alloying parameters on microstructure and impact properties of ODS ferritic steels
Noriyuki Y. Iwata
(National Institute of Technology)
2:20 PM
P1.183 Tensile properties of F82H steel after aging at 400 to 650°C for 30,000 h
Takuya Nagasaka
(National Institute for Fusion Science)
2:20 PM
P1.181 Evaluation of Tensile Properties of F82H Welded Joint Using Small Punch Test
Toshiya Nakata
(Division of Industrial Innovation Sciences)
2:20 PM
P1.178 Ion irradiation effects on microstructure and mechanical properties of VPS-W-coated F82H modified by FSP
Kazumi Ozawa
(Fusion Research and Development Directorate)
2:20 PM
P1.179 Deformation of dissimilar-metals joint between F82H and 316L in impact tests after neutron irradiation
Haiying Fu
(Fusion System)
2:20 PM
P1.176 Effect of irradiation hardening on deformation behavior of blanket structures fabricated by F82H
Takeshi Miyazawa
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
2:20 PM
P1.177 Characterization of F82H HIP joints by acoustic emission
Takashi Nozawa
(Japan Atomic Enegy Agency)
2:20 PM
P1.174 ODS ferritic steels obtained by STARS, an innovative processing route without mechanical alloying
Nerea Ordas
(Materials and Manufacturing)
2:20 PM
P1.175 Assessment of F82H development status toward DEMO with respect to the existing design code
Hiroyasu Tanigawa
(Department of Fusion Reactor Materials Research)
2:20 PM
P1.190 Reheating cracking susceptibility in the weld heat-affected zone of reduced activation ferritic-martensitic steels
Joonoh Moon
(Ferrous Alloy Department)
2:20 PM
P1.034 Development of an ICRH antenna system at W7-X for plasma heating and wall conditioning
Bernd Schweer
(Laboratory for Plasma Physics LPP)
2:20 PM
P1.189 Chemical compatibility between ARAA alloy in lithium meta-titanate breeder material
Seungyon Cho
(National Fusion Research Institute)
2:20 PM
P1.043 Detection of Neoclassical Tearing Modes in DEMO using the Electron Cyclotron Emission
Natale Rispoli
(Istituto di Fisica del Plasma “Piero Caldirola” - IFP-CNR)
2:20 PM
P1.044 A 3D Electromagnetic Model of the Iron Core in JET
Francesco Pizzo
(Department of Industrial and Information Engineering)
2:20 PM
P1.074 Feasibility study on the JT-60SA tokamak beam emission spectroscopy diagnostic systems
Ors Asztalos
(Institute of Nuclear Techniques)
2:20 PM
P1.047 Equilibrium modelling of merging compression startup in a spherical tokamak
Peter Buxton
(Tokamak Energy Ltd)
2:20 PM
P1.048 F4E prototype of a chopper digital integrator for the ITER magnetics
Antonio Batista
(Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear)
2:20 PM
P1.050 Development of Bismuth Hall sensors for ITER steady state magnetic diagnostics
Ivan Duran
2:20 PM
P1.072 Conceptual design of laser transfer system of the JT-60SA Thomson scattering diagnostic
Hiroshi Tojo
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
2:20 PM
P1.068 Divertor heat flux study of L-H transition with different auxiliary heating in EAST
Bo Shi
(Institute of Plasma Physics)
2:20 PM
P1.052 Performance assessment of critical waveguide bends for the ITER in-vessel plasma position reflectometry systems
Jorge Belo
(Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear)
2:20 PM
P1.066 Characterization of a neutron generator for the JET monitoring system calibration with NE-213 spectrometer
Axel Klix
(Neutron Physics and Reactor Technology)
2:20 PM
P1.064 Calculation of the profile dependent neutron backscatter matrix for the JET neutron camera system
Federico Binda
(Physics and Astronomy)
2:20 PM
P1.143 Vibration suppression control of EAMA/EAST Articulated Maintenance Arm
Jing Wu
(Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences)
2:20 PM
P1.071 Measurement of surface temperature of the plasma facing component with Multi-Spectral Infrared thermography diagnostics
Chen Zhang
(Cadarache Center)
2:20 PM
P1.070 Measurements and controls implementation for the WEST project
Philippe Moreau
(Institut de Recherches sur la Fusion par confinement Magnétique)
2:20 PM
P1.069 The WEST Plasma Facing Components Protection
Jean-Marcel Travere
2:20 PM
P1.152 A new HCPB breeding blanket for the EU DEMO: evolution, rationale and preliminary performances
Francisco A. Hernandez Gonzalez
(Institute of Neutron Physics and Reactor Technology)
2:20 PM
P1.153 Neutronic analyses for the optimization of the advanced HCPB breeder blanket design for DEMO
Pavel Pereslavtsev
(Karlsruhe Institute for Technology)
2:20 PM
P1.144 Error compensation strategy of EAST articulated maintenance arm robot based on static stiffness modeling
Shanshuang Shi
(Lab of Intelligent Machines)
2:20 PM
P1.147 Status of the platform for integration and maintenance tests of the European TBM systems
Ladislav Vala
(Centrum výzkumu Řež)
2:20 PM
P1.148 Nuclear Maintenance strategy and first steps for preliminary maintenance_plan of European Test Blanket Systems
Jose Galabert
(Fusion for Energy)
2:20 PM
P1.149 Myth of initial loading tritium : modelling DEMO fuel system in power ascension tests
Satoshi Konishi
(Institute of Advanced Energy)
2:20 PM
P1.150 D-T fuel system of DEMO-FNS tokamak with tritium breeding blanket
Sergey Ananyev
(Complex physical and chemical technologies)
2:20 PM
P1.145 Design status of DEMO blanket primary heat transfer system
Dario Carloni
2:20 PM
P1.146 The current status of the European ITER Test Blanket Modules development
Milan Zmitko
2:20 PM
P1.186 Study of Magnetic Properties of IWS Materials during Material and Component Manufacturing
Abha Maheshwari
(In Wall Shielding)
2:20 PM
P1.188 A comparison of properties of ARAA produced by VAR and ESR refining methods
Young-Bum Chun
(Nuclear Materials Development Division)
2:20 PM
P1.073 Progress of the magnetic sensors development for JT-60SA
Manabu Takechi
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
2:20 PM
P1.007 Mechanical design solution for cold water basin of ITER Heat rejection system
Dinesh Gupta
(Cooling water system group)
2:20 PM
P1.008 Preliminary design of local magnetic shield for solenoid valve in FPSS of ITER gis
Zhiwei Xia
(Southwestern Institute of Physics)
2:20 PM
P1.009 First evaluation of cryogenic performance of Wendelstein 7-X cryostat
Michael Nagel
(Wendelstein 7-X Operation)
2:20 PM
P1.010 Refrigerator operation during commissioning and first plasma operations of Wendelstein 7-X
Chandra Prakash Dhard
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Plasmaphysik)
2:20 PM
P1.003 Structural analysis for final design of ITER sector sub-assembly tool
Min-Su Ha
(Tokamak Technology)
2:20 PM
P1.049 Design development, integration and assembly of the ITER steady-state magnetic sensors
Martin Kocan
(Fircroft Engineering Services Ltd)
2:20 PM
P1.005 Structural Integrity Analysis of ITER Gas Distribution System Manifolds
Chengzhi Cao
(Southwestern Institute of Physics)
2:20 PM
P1.006 Detailed design of ITER CCWS, CHWS and HRS: Challenges experienced and their solutions
Ajith Kumar
(Cooling Water System)
2:20 PM
P1.120 Thermal-hydraulic behaviour of the DEMO divertor plasma facing components cooling circuit
Silvia Garitta
(Dipartimento di Energia)
2:20 PM
P1.119 Analysis of steady state thermal-hydraulic behaviour of the DEMO divertor cassette body cooling circuit
Eugenio Vallone
(Dipartimento di Energia)
2:20 PM
P1.118 Development of a graded W/CuCrZr divertor for DEMO reactor
Franklin Gallay
2:20 PM
P1.011 Influence of deviations in the coil geometry on Wendelstein 7-X plasma equilibrium properties
Tamara Andreeva
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Plasmaphysik)
2:20 PM
P1.012 A software eco-system for the integrated design of W7-X
Sebastien Renard
(Institute for Magnetic Fusion Research)
2:20 PM
P1.114 Integrated core-SOL-divertor modelling for DEMO with tin divertor
Michal Poradzinski
(Department of Nuclear Fusion and Plasma Spectroscopy)
2:20 PM
P1.113 Effect of ELMs on PFC of DEMO reactor
Yuri Igitkhanov
2:20 PM
P1.067 Beam emission spectroscopy diagnostic based on neutral beam in EAST tokamak
H.J. Wang
(School of Nuclear Science and Technology)
2:20 PM
P1.194 Status and strategy of the study on the neutron irradiation damage of CLAM steel
Jingping Xin
(Key Laboratory of Neutronics and Radiation Safety)
2:20 PM
P1.192 Sample holder design for effective thermal conductivity measurement of pebble-bed using laser flash method
Youngmin Lee
2:20 PM
P1.187 Qualification of structural stainless steel products for the ITER correction coil cases
Stefano Sgobba
2:20 PM
P1.185 Long-lived radionuclide activity formed in ITER steel composites in 6Li-D converter neutron field
Władysław Pohorecki
(Faculty of Energy and Fuels)
2:20 PM
P1.184 Ultrasonic testing of different shapes of support rib and lower bracket assembly weld joints
Yatinkumar Sarvaiya
(Quality Assurance)
2:20 PM
P1.191 Effect of Ti on microstructures and mechanical properties of reduced activation ferritic-martensitic (RAFM) steels
Jun Young Park
(Korea Institute of Materials Science)