Jun 5 – 8, 2017
Chateau Liblice
Europe/Prague timezone

A synthetic synchrotron diagnostic for runaways

Jun 7, 2017, 10:40 AM
Chateau Liblice

Chateau Liblice

Byšice 61 277 32 Liblice Czech Republic
Oral Wednesday


Mr Mathias Hoppe (Chalmers University of Technology)


Runaway electrons in tokamaks will emit synchrotron radiation due to their gyration around magnetic field lines. Because of the strong forward beaming of the radiation, the observed synchrotron images and spectra depends on both the energy, pitch angle and radial distribution of electrons, making synchrotron radiation a strong candidate for indirectly measuring the runaway electron distribution function. Inferring the runaway electron distribution function from synchrotron radiation measurements is however made difficult by various geometric effects. In this contribution, we present the numerical tool SOFT (for Synchrotron-detecting Orbit Following Toolkit), which simulates synchrotron images and spectra, and is able to take geometric effects into account. By applying the tool to an Alcator C-Mod discharge, we analyse the effect of runaway energy, pitch angle and radial distribution on the observed synchrotron spot, and by coupling SOFT to the numerical Fokker-Planck solver CODE, we obtain a synthetic synchrotron image that is in good agreement with experiment.

Primary author

Mr Mathias Hoppe (Chalmers University of Technology)


Dr Adam Stahl (Chalmers University of Technology) Mr Alex Tinguely (MIT) Mr Ola Embréus (Chalmers University of Technology) Dr Robert Granetz (MIT) Prof. Tünde Fülöp (Chalmers University of Technology)

Presentation materials