Jun 5 – 8, 2017
Chateau Liblice
Europe/Prague timezone

First announcement

Dear colleagues,

we cordially invite you to the 5th Runaway Electron Meeting (REM-2017) that will be organised from evening 5th to 8th (9th) June 2017 in the Czech Republic.


The main part of the meeting will be held in the beautiful baroque casle of Liblice. The castle is located approximately 30 km north of Prague, close to Mělník. It was built in the lowlands of the Elbe river in 1699-1706 and at present, after a major reconstruction, it serves as a conference centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The meeting will be held in a historical hall of a suitable size. The castle gardens with a lake are a great place to think about the challenges of the plasma physics and to discuss the latest runaway electron experiments.


As the castle is a hotel as well, the participants will be accommodated for three nights (Monday to Thursday) in the historical rooms of the castle or its auxiliary buildings (depandances). The meeting may be optionally prolonged by an extra day at IPP in Prague. If you would like to stay over the Thursday night as well, we are happy to help you with booking a suitable hotel (the extra night is not included in the fee). 


Assuming that most of you will reach Prague by plane, we propose to meet at the Institute of Plasma Physics in Prague on Monday afternoon and go together by a dedicated bus to the castle in the early evening. IPP Prague is easily accessible by the public transport from the airport (see http://www.ipp.cas.cz/o-ufp/kontakt/), During the Monday afternoon, a COMPASS tokamak tour will be organised. Furthermore, our meeting rooms will be ready for discussions until the departure of the bus.

Departure from the Liblice castle will be organised in a similar manner. The bus will leave Liblice on Thursday in the afternoon and stop first at the airport (approx at 4:30 pm) and then at our institute. 

If you are going to come or leave on another day or time, then some of the Czech participants will travel every morning from IPP and every evening back by cars, so there might be a possibility to join them. Alternatively, a taxi presents a reasonably priced option to reach the castle (1 hour, 50-60 € for a taxi, Uber might be cheaper). Car rentals are also easily available at the airport.

Key dates

February 14th, 2017: Registration opens

April 30th, 2017: Regular registration deadline, preliminary abstracts are welcome

June 2nd, 2017: Late registration (accomodation not guaranteed) and final abstract deadline

June 5th, 2017: Welcome dinner at Liblice Castle

June 6th - 8th, 2017: 5th Runaway Electron Meeting at Liblice Castle

June 9th, 2017: Extra day for discussions (optional/based on a pre-arrangement) at IPP


Less formal talks, aproximatelly 20' + 10' discussion. Any topic related to runaway electrons is welcome (theory, modelling, experiments, data analyses, diagnostic developement, mitigation systems, coordination of scientific projects, etc.).


The total fee (including meeting fee, accommodation and meals in Liblice, the bus transport between IPP and Liblice) shall be 420€/390€ (accommodation in the main building/depandances) and 200€ for the accompanying person. There is a rather limited number of the main building rooms - their reservation shall be done on the first come first served basis. A reduced fee for students sharing a room can be arranged upon request.


Jan Mlynář

Ondřej Ficker 

Jakub Urban 

Eva Macúšová
