Leonardo Giudicotti
(Padova University - Department of Physics and Astronomy)
9/25/17, 9:35 AM
High-temperature plasmas
Polarimetric Thomson scattering (TS) is a technique for the analysis of TS spectra in which the electron temperature $T_e$ is determined from the depolarization of the scattered radiation, a relativistic effect noticeable only in very hot ($T_e$ > 10 keV) fusion plasmas. It has been proposed as a complementary technique to supplement the conventional spectral analysis in the ITER CPTS (Core...
Vladimir Mirnov
(Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706, USA)
9/25/17, 10:30 AM
High-temperature plasmas
Several major laser diagnostics are under development for measurement of plasma density, electron temperature, magnetic field and current density in ITER: toroidal interferometer/polarimeter (TIP), poloidal polarimeter (PoPola) and Thomson scattering systems (TS). Each of them is based on the electron response to laser light propagating through the plasma. We examine the effects of...
Dmitry Moseev
(Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik)
9/25/17, 10:55 AM
High-temperature plasmas
The collective Thomson scattering (CTS) diagnostic for ion temperature and MHD measurements is being installed at the Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) stellarator.
W7-X is designed for high β operation, with β approximately around 5%. The target electron density of W7-X plasmas is 1.5$\cdot$10$^{20}$ m$^{-3}$ and the target electron temperature in the center is 8-10 keV. The CTS diagnostic has no...
Ekkehard Pasch
(Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik)
9/25/17, 2:40 PM
High-temperature plasmas
Thomson scattering (TS) is one of the main diagnostics in nuclear fusion experiments for electron temperature and –density measurements. Most of the TS systems are realized with pulsed, high power Nd:YAG lasers as light source with a wavelength at λ=1064 nm, together with interference filter polychromators for spectral analysis of the scattered light in the near infrared region (typically...
Jannis Oelmann
(Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
9/26/17, 9:10 AM
Instrumentation development
Monitoring of material deposition on and fuel retention in the first wall plasma-facing components is a key diagnostic issue for the next step fusion devices in view of lifetime estimates and operational safety. Lifetime is determined by first wall erosion and in metallic components by the helium content (fusion ash), whereas operational safety is determined by tritium (fusion fuel) retention...
Alessandro De Giacomo
(University of Bari)
9/26/17, 9:35 AM
Low-temperature plasmas
Laser-Induced Plasma (LIP) is produced by the interaction of high-energy laser pulses with matter in any state of aggregation. As a consequence of their high electron number density and excitation temperature, these systems are characterized by strong emission of radiation, whose study can allow determining the plasma parameters and composition. Therefore, a strong effort has been done by the...
Norbert Lang
(INP Greifswald)
9/26/17, 11:10 AM
Low-temperature plasmas
Molecular plasmas are increasingly used not only for basic research but also technologically for materials and surface processing, environmental challenges, and plasma medicine. Nowadays, they play a key role in branches of industry like semiconductor, automotive, mechanical engineering, light sources, and biomedical technology to name a few. Typical applications are thin film deposition,...
Ana Sobota
(Eindhoven University of Technology)
9/26/17, 11:35 AM
Low-temperature plasmas
Low temperature plasmas at atmospheric pressure are usable on materials sensitive to high temperatures, (bio)materials that are not resistant to vacuuming or even fully drying, (bio)targets that are sensitive to significant current transfer. A great number of scientific publications has followed this rise in interest for atmospheric pressure plasmas and they most commonly address the discharge...
Dirk Luggenhölscher
(Ruhr-University Bochum)
9/28/17, 9:10 AM
Low-temperature plasmas
The electric field strength is a basic parameter of non-thermal plasmas since it determines the energy that electrons gain. On timescales which are of interest in high pressure plasmas, the ions are at rest and the discharge dynamic is determined by the electrons. If the electric field strength and its temporal develeopment are known and additional diagnostics are applied, many other...
Grant Ritchie
(University of Oxford)
9/28/17, 9:35 AM
Low-temperature plasmas
Atmospheric pressure plasma jets require the highest sensitivity and specificity from diagnostic techniques in order to properly quantify the radical chemistry taking place. In this presentation I will describe several laser based techniques with the necessary capabilities for probing small levels of transient species, and demonstrate how they have been applied to plasma systems. These include...
Stefan Welzel
9/28/17, 10:30 AM
Low-temperature plasmas
The conversion of ${CO}_2$ into value-added chemicals or ${CO}_2$-neutral fuels are widely regarded as partial solution to integrate renewable electricity into process chains and the existing energy infrastructure. Non-equilibrium plasmas have been shown to enhance the efficiency of the ${CO}_2$-to-$CO$ dissociation process under certain conditions, though fundamental understanding of...