Abstract submission
An abstract is required for each presentation. Abstract submission is open now - see section "Call for Abstracts". Contributions will take the form of either oral or poster presentation. Poster presentations will be accompanied by a very short oral introduction. A prize will be given for the best poster presented by a young scientist.
The deadline for abstract submission is 9 June 2017 at 24:00 CET (Prague) time.
Symposium Proceedings
The proceedings of the LAPD18 Symposium will be published in a special issue of the Journal of Instrumentation (JINST). All invited speakers and accepted presenters (oral or poster) are encouraged to submit their original papers to this special issue. Publication will be free of charge. Individual authors may choose to publish their articles on an open access basis in return for payment of an article processing charge 1400 GBP/ 2200 USD/ 1600 EUR.
The deadline for manuscript submission is the 15 September 2017 at 24:00 CET (Prague) time.
The submission instructions for authors are here: https://goo.gl/KM8DiZ
The following length limits are suggested for companion papers:
Short oral and poster: 8 pages
Topical lectures: 12 pages
General lectures: 16 pages
Akazaki lecture: no page limit
Poster size is A0 oriented vertically. All poster presenters are invited to submit a 1-page brief introduction to their poster for display in a Poster Introductions oral session just prior to the poster session. Each poster presenter will be given 2 minutes to narrate their single slide. This introductory slide must be a landscape format PDF uploaded to your Indico conference account by 21 September 2017. Slides received by this date will be pre-loaded into a single file for rapid transitions during the Poster Introductions session; the session chair will display the slides and keep time.
Guideline for uploading slides:
From the left menu, select My Contributions and add material to your contributions. From the left menu, select My Conference/My Contributions and add material to your contributions by clicking on Edit, Material, Add Material. From the menu choose Summary.
For those making invited or short oral presentations, standard audiovisual facilities will be available. You may use the computer provided for presentation, or your own computer. Please respect the following time limits:
Lecture type Presentation (min) Questions (min) Total (min)
Akazaki 45 5 50
General 35 5 40
Topical 21 4 25
Short oral 12 3 15
After your presentation, please upload the pdf to your Indico conference account. These files will be made available for download from the LAPD18 website.
Guideline for uploading:
From the left menu, select My Conference/My Contributions and add material to your contributions by clicking on Edit, Material, Add Material. From the menu choose type of presentation.