Ondřej Ficker
6/7/17, 9:15 AM
The contribution will summarise the three main topics recetly investigated within the COMPASS RE campaigns: MHD related losses of RE, MGI injection with RE beam generation in the ramp-up phase and slow gas puff injection into low density plasma. Details on the recent progress in diagnostics will be also presented.
Eva Macúšová
6/7/17, 9:50 AM
This contribution will focus on the description of runaway electrons during the flattop phase in COMPASS discharges.
Mathias Hoppe
(Chalmers University of Technology)
6/7/17, 10:40 AM
Runaway electrons in tokamaks will emit synchrotron radiation due to their gyration around magnetic field lines. Because of the strong forward beaming of the radiation, the observed synchrotron images and spectra depends on both the energy, pitch angle and radial distribution of electrons, making synchrotron radiation a strong candidate for indirectly measuring the runaway electron...
Alex Tinguely
6/7/17, 11:20 AM
Alcator C-Mod's high magnetic field allows runaway electron synchrotron emission to be observed in the visible wavelength range. Visible spectrometers were used to measure synchrotron spectra at three magnetic fields: 2.7, 5.4, and 7.8 T. Assuming fixed energy and pitch, the spectral shape is expected to shift toward shorter wavelengths with increasing magnetic field. However, the similarities...
Emmanuel Joffrin
(CEA Cadarache)
6/7/17, 2:00 PM
Generation of run-aways electron (RE) beams is one of the major risks for the successful exploitation of ITER. In the past 15 years JET has been exploring the physics of run-away creation and the dynamics of the beam with different wall materials, namely carbon and Berylium/Tungsten mix (ITER-like wall). Recently, it has been observed experimentally that a full-blown run-away beam cannot be...