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- Uwe Czarnetzki (Institute for Plasma and Atomic Physics, Faculty of Physics and Astronomy, Ruhr-University Bochum)
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Miroslav Krus
(Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS)
9/25/17, 11:20 AM
High-temperature plasmas
Soft X-ray lasers, due to their short wavelength, high brightness, and good spatial coherence, are excellent sources for the diagnostics of dense plasmas (up to $10^{25}$ cm$^{-3}$) which are relevant to e.g. inertial fusion. We will present several techniques and experimental results obtained at the QSS collisionally pumped 21.2 nm neon-like zinc laser installed at PALS Recearch Center among...
Hui Lian
(Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
9/25/17, 11:35 AM
High-temperature plasmas
Plasma equilibrium reconstruction plays an important role in the tokamak plasma research. With a high temporal and spatial resolution, the POlarimeter-INTerferometer (POINT) system on EAST has provided effective measurements for both the 60 s H-mode operation and $10^2$ s long pulse discharge. Based on internal Faraday rotation measurements provided by the POINT system, the equilibrium...
Hans Salzmann
(Retired from MPI f. Plasmaphysik, Garching)
9/25/17, 3:05 PM
High-temperature plasmas
The original time-of-flight design of the Thomson scattering diagnostic for the ITER core plasma has been given up by ITER. Summarising the reasons given: “there is no laser, there is no detector, and there is no beam dump”. In this paper we show that these claims, regarding the hardware of the proposed LIDAR TS system, are not valid.
The optical layout of the front end has been changed...
Koichi Sasaki
(Division of Quantum Science and Engineering, Hokkaido University, Japan)
9/26/17, 12:00 PM
Low-temperature plasmas
The measurement of electric field by laser Stark spectroscopy aimed the detection of high Rydberg states for a long time to realize a high sensitivity. We changed our approach to the detection of the Stark effects of lower-lying states. The detection of a low-energy state is easier than that of a Rydberg state since it has a large transition probability. However, since the magnitude of the...
Juergen Roepcke
(INP Greifswald)
9/26/17, 12:15 PM
Low-temperature plasmas
Low-pressure pulsed DC H2-N2 plasmas were investigated in the laboratory active screen plasma nitriding monitoring reactor, PLANIMOR, to compare the usage of two different active screen electrodes, (i) a steel screen with the additional usage of CH4 as carbon containing precursor in the feeding gas and (ii) a carbon screen without the usage of any additional gaseous carbon precursor. Applying...
Benjamin Vincent
9/27/17, 9:50 AM
Low-temperature plasmas
Incoherent Thomson Scattering ($ITS$) involves the elastic scattering of electromagnetic radiation on randomly-distributed charged particles, and is used to recover information on electron properties in a wide range of plasmas. The scattered spectrum spectral shape gives access to both the Electron Velocity Distribution Function ($EVDF$) and the Electron Energy Distribution Function ($EEDF$),...
Mohammad Hossein Mahdieh
(Department of Physics, Iran University of Science and Technology, Narmak, 16846-13114, Tehran, Iran)
9/27/17, 11:55 AM
Low-temperature plasmas
In this paper, laser induced optical breakdown in colloidal nanoparticles and in the presence of an applied electric field is studied by using pump probe beam technique. Colloidal nanoparticles of Ag (as a good conductor), Al$_2$O$_3$ and TiO$_2$ (with good dielectric properties) were used in this investigation. We have shown recently that an external electric field can influence the generated...
Katsunori Muraoka
(Plazwire Co., Ltd, 2-3-54 Higashi-naka, Fukuoka 812-0892, Japan)
9/27/17, 12:10 PM
Low-temperature plasmas
Thermal spray is a technique to form molten droplets using either plasma- or combustion-heating, which impinge upon substrates to form coating layers for various purposes, such as anti-corrosion and anti-wear layers. Although it is an established technique having a history of more than a century, operations of spray guns together with preparing suitable substrate surfaces for obtaining good...
Jibo Zhang
(Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Science)
9/27/17, 1:55 PM
Instrumentation development
A heterodyne interferometer operating at the frequency f = 890 GHz has been designed for measuring electron densities of atmospheric pressure air plasmas its density range is from $10^9$ to $3\times 10^{13}$ cm$^{-3}$ and the pressure range is from 1 Pa to 20 kPa. The system is configured as a Mach-Zehnder type interferometer. The light source is hydrogen cyanide (HCN) laser with wavelength...
Tsuyoshi Akiyama
(National Institute for Fusion Sceience)
9/27/17, 2:10 PM
Instrumentation development
When the electron density of an atmospheric pressure plasma is measured by a conventional interferometer, the phase shifts due to changes of the neutral gas density causes significant measurement errors. A dispersion interferometer, which measures the phase shift arises from dispersion of medium only, can suppress the measured phase shift due to the neutral gas. This is because the dispersion...
Veronica Gonzalez-Fernandez
(University of Valladolid)
9/27/17, 2:25 PM
Low-temperature plasmas
Low-pressure plasmas generated in hollow-cathode discharges (HCD) devices have been widely used in industry and in research. Namely, discharges working in glow discharge regime have been used in material processing, etching, thin-film deposition, spectroscopy etc. All these applications require a deep knowledge of plasma behaviour, theoretically and experimentally.
During many years the...
Abdullah Zafar
(North Carolina State University)
9/27/17, 2:40 PM
Low-temperature plasmas
Passive spectroscopic measurements of Stark broadening have been reliably used to determine electron density for decades. However, a low-density limit ($\sim 10^{13}$ cm$^{-3}$) exists due to Doppler and instrument broadening of the spectral line profile. A synthetic diagnostic for measuring electron density capable of high temporal (ms) and spatial (mm) resolution is currently under...
Hyyong Suk
9/27/17, 2:55 PM
Instrumentation development
There are some diagnostic methods for fusion plasma, but we still need to develop new and better diagnostic methods. In this research, we developed a new way for plasma density measurement, where strong THz (tera-hertz) waves were produced by focusing femto-second laser pulses in gas and they were used for plasma density diagnostics. The strong THz pulses were sent through an ICP...
Cyril Drag
(Laboratoire Aimé-Cotton)
9/28/17, 10:55 AM
Low-temperature plasmas
Parameters of laboratory discharges in molecular gases, as the gas translational temperature, the collisions rates and the density, are difficult to determine. We measure, with excellent spatial and temporal resolution, the velocity distribution of oxygen ground-state atoms in plasmas from the Doppler broadening of their laser excitation spectra. The method is based on the well-known...