Sep 24 – 28, 2017
Europe/Prague timezone

Estimation of reliable range of electron temperature measurements with sets of given optical band-pass filters for KSTAR Thomson scattering system based on synthetic Thomson data

Sep 25, 2017, 3:20 PM
POSTER High-temperature plasmas Poster Session #1 Introduction


Prof. Young-chul Ghim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)


Reliabilities of electron temperature measurements based on Thomson scattering (TS) systems depend on transmittance of the optical band-pass filters in polychromators. We investigate the system performance as a function of electron temperature to determine reliable range of measurements. To achieve the objective, we build a forward model of the KSTAR TS system, and generate synthetic TS data with the prescribed electron temperature and density profiles. The prescribed profiles are compared with the estimated ones to evaluated the system performance.

Primary author

Mr Keon Hee Kim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)


Dr Jongha Lee (National Fusion Research Institute) Mr Kyeo-Reh Park (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) Mr Tae-suk Oh (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) Prof. Young-chul Ghim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

Presentation materials