Miroslav Krus
(Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS)
Soft X-ray lasers, due to their short wavelength, high brightness, and good spatial coherence, are excellent sources for the diagnostics of dense plasmas (up to $10^{25}$ cm$^{-3}$) which are relevant to e.g. inertial fusion. We will present several techniques and experimental results obtained at the QSS collisionally pumped 21.2 nm neon-like zinc laser installed at PALS Recearch Center among them plasma density measurement by a double Lloyd mirror interferometer, deflectometer based on Talbot effect, measuring plasma density gradients itself, with a following ray tracing postprocessing. Moreover, the high spatial resolution (~nm scale) plasma images can be obtained when soft X-ray lasers are used.
Primary author
Miroslav Krus
(Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS)