Miroslav Šos
(Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS, Czech Republic)
Due to the character of the Thomson scattering (TS) process the intensity of the effective
collected signal is reduced by several orders of magnitudes against the probing light source
intensity. Thus, precise spectral and absolute calibrations together with optimised data
processing are indispensable in order to provide reliable and accurate plasma diagnostic.
Since the installation of the TS system on the COMPASS tokamak commercial programming
platforms were used for the calculations. New set of routines based on the open source
programming language Python is being tested and introduced as a standard tool for
performed calibration and TS data processing. Mitigation of stray light impact and
optimization of the routines for fitting the detected scattered signal are the main issues
proposed in the new method. Comparison of existing and newly developed processing
systems is presented.
Primary author
Miroslav Šos
(Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS, Czech Republic)
Martin Hron
(Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS, Czech Republic)
Petr Böhm
(Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS, Czech Republic)
Petra Bílková
(Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS, Czech Republic)
Radomír Pánek
(Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS, Czech Republic)