Sep 24 – 28, 2017
Europe/Prague timezone

Demonstration of dual-laser based Polarimeter-Interferometer scheme for simultaneous measurements of Faraday angle and electron density on HL-2A tokamak

Sep 25, 2017, 3:54 PM
POSTER High-temperature plasmas Poster Session #1 Introduction


Dr Yonggao Li (Southwestern Institute of Physics)


The novel dual-laser based Polarimeter-Interferometer (PIer) scheme, in which the Faraday angle (αF) and electron density (ne) can be simultaneously measured by utilizing two laser sources, has been successfully demonstrated on HL-2A tokamak through upgrading the present Faraday-effect polarimeter. Comparing to the conventional three-wave PIer, dual-laser PIer generates only one intermediate frequency (IF), avoiding the cross-talk of frequency bands, so as to decrease the phase noise and increase the time resolution of the diagnostic. In the dual-laser PIer configuration, the two collinearly circularly polarized waves coming from HL-2A plasma are evenly divided into two components. One is received by a Schottky diode detector, serving for the Faraday angle measurement. The other orderly passes through a 1/4 wave plate and a wire-grid, and then mixes with the local oscillator (LO) beam, producing an IF associated with the density phase. In recent HL-2A experimental campaign, the dual-laser PIer is operational for the probing chord at Z=17.5 cm. Both Faraday angle and density phase have been simultaneously obtained, with a time resolution <1.0 μs, a phase resolution 0.1 and 1.0 degree, respectively. This work will be extremely valuable for the next-step far-infrared (FIR) laser PIer construction on HL-2M tokamak, and even the future PIer system on ITER.

Primary author

Dr Yonggao Li (Southwestern Institute of Physics)


Dr Yan Zhou (Southwestern Institute of Physics) Dr Yuan Li (Southwestern Institute of Physics)

Presentation materials