Sep 24 – 28, 2017
Europe/Prague timezone

Development of a Multi-chord Interferometer System on Versatile Experiment Spherical Torus

Sep 27, 2017, 3:28 PM
POSTER Instrumentation development Poster Session #2 Introduction


Mr Jongin Wang (NUPLEX, Seoul National University)


A single channel of 94 GHz heterodyne interferometer system for measurement of the electron density [1] was successfully developed for Versatile Experiment Spherical Torus (VEST) at Seoul National University. The interferometer system has been upgraded to a multi-chord heterodyne interferometer system for the profile of electron density. The Gaussian probe beam from a horn antenna is expanded into a uniformly distributed beam by using a pair of Powell lenses [2]. The expanded beam is guided through 9 holes and collimating lenses, located vertically with the same interval of 75 mm, generating 9 channels of Gaussian beams. Each collimated beam is splitted and focused to generate minimum beam waist near the center of plasma utilizing the plano-convex lens. The beam is reflected at a concave mirror mounted on the center stack of VEST. After passing through the plasma, the reflected beam at the beam splitter is focused onto the multi-chord detector array. The probe beam and 97.2 GHz LO is mixed to produce Intermediate Frequency (IF) signal at 3.2 GHz, and the IF signal is further down-converted to 80 MHz through a frequency down-conversion circuit. Optimization of the lengths between the optical components and beam waists along the beam path is achieved by the Gaussian optics and the optical design code, CODE V [3]. Experimentally optimized lengths between the optical components of this system will be discussed with the simulated ones. The first results from the upgraded interferometer system will be presented as well. [1] D. H. Choi *et al.*, *Design of interferometer system on Versatile Experiment Spherical Torus (VEST) at Seoul National University*, 2012 *JINST* 7 C01107. [2] Y. B Nam *et al.*, *Compact ECEI system with in-vessel reflective optics for WEST*, *Rev. Sci. Instrum.* 87 (2016) 11E130. [3] CODE V is an optical design software of Synopsys Inc.,

Primary author

Mr Jongin Wang (NUPLEX, Seoul National University)


Mr Dongjae Lee (UNIST) Prof. Hyeon K. Park (UNIST) Mr JongGab Jo (Seoul National University) Prof. Yong-Seok Hwang (Seoul National University)

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