Sep 24 – 28, 2017
Europe/Prague timezone

Plasma diagnostics using THz waves generated by laser-plasma interactions

Sep 27, 2017, 2:55 PM
ORAL Instrumentation development Oral


Prof. Hyyong Suk (GIST)


There are some diagnostic methods for fusion plasma, but we still need to develop new and better diagnostic methods. In this research, we developed a new way for plasma density measurement, where strong THz (tera-hertz) waves were produced by focusing femto-second laser pulses in gas and they were used for plasma density diagnostics. The strong THz pulses were sent through an ICP (inductively-coupled plasma) source, where the 13.56 MHz RF can produce fusion plasma densities of the order of 10$^{13}$ cm$^{-3}$, and analysis of the transmitted THz waves can give the information for the plasma density. In this way, we successfully measured the plasma density experimentally and developed a simple model to explain the plasma. In this presentation, the new THz-based plasma diagnostic method is introduced and some recent results will be shown.

Primary author

Prof. Hyyong Suk (GIST)


Dr Dogeun Jang (GIST) Ms Jinju Kim (GIST) Dr Keekon Kang (GIST)

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