Sep 24 – 28, 2017
Europe/Prague timezone

Research of Fast DAQ system in KSTAR Thomson scattering diagnostic

Sep 25, 2017, 3:36 PM
POSTER High-temperature plasmas Poster Session #1 Introduction


Dr Jong-ha Lee (NFRI)


Thomson scattering diagnostic is most important diagnostic system in fusion plasma research. This diagnostic system gives reliable electron temperature and density profiles in magnetically confined plasma. In KSTAR tokamak, Q-switched Nd:YAG Thomson system was installed several years ago to measure the electron temperature and density profiles. For the KSTAR Thomson scattering system, a Charged to Digital Conversion (QDC) type data acquisition system was used to measured pulse type Thomson signal. However recently some error was found during the Te, ne calculation, the reason was that the QDC system was integrate the pulsed Thomson signal which include a stray light like signals. To overcome this like errors, a Fast data acquisition (F-DAQ) system was introduced and tested. For this, CAEN V1742 5 GS/s was used which is VME type 12 bit Switched Capacitor Digitizer with 32 channels. In this experiment, the $T_e$ calculated results of Thomson scattering data measured simultaneously using QDC and F-DAQ were compared. For the F-DAQ system, the shape of the pulse was restored by fitting.

Primary author

Dr Jong-ha Lee (NFRI)


Mr Doyeon Kim (Seoul National University) Ms Ha-jin Kim (NFRI) Mr Hisamichi Funaba (NIFS) Dr Ichihiro Yamada (NIFS) Mr Young-Gi Kim (Seoul National University)

Presentation materials