Alexander Huber
(Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH)
9/8/16, 11:00 AM
D. Diagnostics, Data Acquisition and Remote Participation
In magnetic fusion devices of the next generation such as ITER, high neutron and gamma-ray yields could be detrimental to the applied diagnostic equipment such as video imaging systems as well as to electronic components of machine control systems. Semiconductors devices are particularly sensitive to the radiation, both ionizing (formation of traps at the Si/SiO2 interface with energy levels...
Elsa Henriques
(LAETA, IDMEC, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal)
9/8/16, 11:20 AM
D. Diagnostics, Data Acquisition and Remote Participation
This paper describes the preliminary RAMI analysis for the ITER Low Field Side Collective Thomson Scattering (LFS CTS) system based on its preliminary architecture achieved at the System Level Design. The benefits and challenges involved in a RAMI analysis since the front end of the design process of the system are discussed together with the methodology pursued. The Functional Analysis,...
Jorge Sousa
(Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear)
9/8/16, 11:40 AM
D. Diagnostics, Data Acquisition and Remote Participation
The increasingly complex Physics experiments demand innovative digital Instrumentation for critical Measurement and Control functions. Requested system capabilities are, at least: high reliability, availability, maintainability, synchronized real-time high throughput data processing and compatibility to established Standards.
Some of the methods that help attaining those capabilities...
Andrey Litnovsky
(Forschungszentrum Jülich)
9/8/16, 12:00 PM
D. Diagnostics, Data Acquisition and Remote Participation
All optical and laser diagnostics in ITER will use mirrors to observe the plasma radiation. In the severe ITER environment mirrors may become contaminated with plasma impurities hampering the performance of corresponding diagnostics. To counteract the mirror contamination, an in-situ mirror cleaning is proposed, which relies on ion sputtering the contaminants together with affected mirror...