Nicolai Martovetsky
9/5/16, 4:40 PM
E. Magnets and Power Supplies
The ITER Central Solenoid (CS) is one of the critical elements of the machine. The CS conductor went through an intense optimization and qualification program, which included characterization of the strands, a conductor straight short sample testing in the SULTAN facility at the Swiss Plasma Center (SPC), Villigen, Switzerland, and a single-layer CS Insert coil recently tested in the Central...
N. P. Singh
9/5/16, 5:00 PM
E. Magnets and Power Supplies
Pulse Step Modulation (PSM) based High Voltage Power Supply (HVPS) are widely used in applications viz. Broadcast transmitters, Particle accelerators and Neutral Beam Injectors because of inherent advantages of modular structure, high accuracy and efficiency, low ripple and fast dynamics. Typical IC RF system composed of cascaded connection of Driver stage (70 kW RF output) and End stage (1500...
Walid Abdel Maksoud
9/5/16, 5:20 PM
E. Magnets and Power Supplies
JT-60SA is a fusion experiment which is jointlyconstructed by Japan and Europe and which shall contribute to the earlyrealization of fusion energy, by providing support to the operation of ITER,and by addressing key physics issues for ITER and DEMO. In order to achievethese goals, the existing JT-60U experiment will be upgraded to JT-60SA byusing superconducting coils. The 18 TF coils of the...
Nikolay Bykovsky
(Swiss Plasma Center)
9/5/16, 5:40 PM
E. Magnets and Power Supplies
Various tests performed with full-size 60 kA HTS cable prototypes for fusion magnets in EDIPO test facility demonstrated that design of HTS strand proposed at Swiss Plasma Center – stack of HTS tapes twisted and soldered between two copper profiles – is applicable for high-current fusion cables, but additional mechanical reinforcement is still needed. Based on experimentally obtained...