Thomas R. Barrett
9/6/16, 11:00 AM
F. Plasma Facing Components
The conceptual design of the European DEMO power reactor is under development as part of the EUROfusion Consortium. DEMO is a high fusion power, long-pulsed, tritium self-sufficient device, and hence amongst the most critical and high-risk technologies are the divertor and main chamber plasma-facing components (PFCs). These PFCs must operate reliably under an extreme surface heat and particle...
Tobias Wegener
(Institut für Energie- und Klimaforschung – Plasmaphysik)
9/6/16, 11:20 AM
F. Plasma Facing Components
Tungsten is considered the main candidate material for the first-wall in DEMO for its high melting point, low erosion yield and low fuel retention. Nevertheless, it can cause a substantial safety issue in a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) in combination with air ingress into the plasma vessel, due to formation and evaporation of volatile neutron activated tungsten oxide. Self-passivating...
Mehdi Firdaouss
9/6/16, 11:40 AM
F. Plasma Facing Components
The main objective of the WEST (W Environment in Steady-state Tokamak) project is to fabricate and test an ITER-like actively cooled tungsten divertor to mitigate the risks for ITER. Concerning the others Plasma Facing Components (PFC), they will also be modified and coated with W to transform Tore Supra into a fully metallic environment.
Solutions had been developed with three different...
Qingxi Yang
(Institute of Plasma Physics)
9/6/16, 12:00 PM
F. Plasma Facing Components
Lithium coating techonolgy and flowing liquid lithium limiter (Flili) have been applied on HT-7 tokamak and many significant results been obtained. A Flili for exploring lithium as potential plasma facing material was designed and manufactured for EAST tokamak, it is applied on the concept of the thin flowing flim which had been sucessfully tested in HT-7 tokamak. The Flili of EAST mainly...