Stephen Reynolds
(Power and Active Operations)
9/6/16, 4:40 PM
A. Experimental Fusion Devices and Supporting Facilities
Radioactive waste arisings from JET operations are projected to contain approximately 25t of non-incinerable Intermediate Level Waste (ILW) with tritium levels > 12 kBq/g. This originates primarily from plasma facing components, specifically the divertor (MKIIa) used during the JET Deuterium Tritium Experiment in 1997 (DTE1). As current UK regulations do not allow off-site disposal of ILW and...
Frederik Arbeiter
(Institute for Neutron Physics and Reactor Technology)
9/6/16, 5:00 PM
F. Plasma Facing Components
Helium is considered as coolant in the plasma facing first wall of several blanket concepts for DEMO fusion reactors, due to the favorable properties of chemical inertness, no activation, comparatively low effort to remove tritium, no chemical corrosion and a flexible temperature range. Design analyses for the ITER Test Blanket Modules done by several design teams have shown ability to use...
Carlota Soto
(Departament of Materials)
9/6/16, 5:20 PM
I. Materials Technology
Flow Channel Inserts (FCI) are key elements in a Dual Coolant Lead Lithium blanket concept for DEMO, since they provide the required thermal and electrical insulation between the He cooled structural steel and the hot liquid Pb-15.7Li flowing at around 700°C, and minimize MHD pressure loss. FCIs must be inert in contact with Pb-15.7Li and show low tritium permeability. In addition, FCIs have...
Charles Henager
(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, United States)
9/6/16, 5:40 PM
I. Materials Technology
Iron-base alloys are the leading candidate structural material for first-wall and blanket applications in near-term fusion devices, but their long-term viability to reliably function in the harsh fusion nuclear environment remains to be established. Helium produced by transmutation reactions interacts with microstructural features such as pre-existing dislocations, martensite lath boundaries,...