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Christian Day
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
9/8/16, 4:40 PM
H. Fuel Cycle and Breeding Blankets
In the framework of the EUROfusion DEMO Programme and its work package Tritium-Matter Injection-Vacuum (TFV), the EU is preparing the conceptual design of the inner fuel cycle of a pulsed fusion DEMO. This contribution presents the current status of the project, addresses the most demanding challenges and shows first results.
The project was started in 2014. The first one and a half years were...
Shanliang Zheng
9/8/16, 5:00 PM
H. Fuel Cycle and Breeding Blankets
Although the D-T reaction is the most promising for fusion and is widely promoted, the amounts of tritium necessary to provide a sustainable fuel supply do not exist naturally. Besides the tritium must be self-sufficient operating a reactor, the initial fuel loading to start up any large-scale D-T fusion reactor remains a significant issue. We have examined the feasibility of starting a...
Fadhel Malouch
(Den-Service d’études des réacteurs et de mathématiques appliquées (SERMA))
9/8/16, 5:20 PM
H. Fuel Cycle and Breeding Blankets
TRIPOLI-4® is a 3D continuous-energy Monte-Carlo particle transport code, developed by CEA, and devoted to shielding, reactor physics, criticality safety and nuclear instrumentation. TRIPOLI-4® is currently able to simulate four kinds of particles:
Neutrons from 20 MeV down to 10-5-5 eV,
Photons from 50 MeV down to 1 keV,
Electrons and positrons from 100 MeV down to 1 keV.
Olivier Doyen
(Laboratoire des Technologies d’Assemblage)
9/8/16, 5:40 PM
H. Fuel Cycle and Breeding Blankets
This work was performed by CEA within the framework of one specific contract concerning the development for ITER of manufacturing procedures for the industrial ATMOSTAT (ALCEN group) and Fusion For Energy (F4E). The HCLL-TBM (Helium Cooled Lithium Lead Test Blanket Module) box assembly development implies the welding development of the following components: the Box and the Stiffening Grid (SG)...