Sep 5 – 9, 2016
Prague Congress Centre
Europe/Prague timezone

P2.018 Pre-assembly and dimensional inspection at factory of JT60-SA Cryostat Vessel Body Cylindrical Section

Sep 6, 2016, 2:20 PM
1h 40m
Foyer 2A (2nd floor), 3A (3rd floor) (Prague Congress Centre)

Foyer 2A (2nd floor), 3A (3rd floor)

Prague Congress Centre

5. května 65, Prague, Czech Republic
Board: 18
Poster A. Experimental Fusion Devices and Supporting Facilities P2 Poster session


Mercedes Medrano (National Laboratory for Magnetic Fusion)


The superconducting tokamak JT-60SA, aimed to support and complement the ITER experimental programme, is currently being assembled at the JAEA laboratories in Naka (Japan). Within the European contribution, Spain is responsible for providing JT-60SA cryostat. The cryostat is a stainless steel vacuum vessel 14m diameter, 16m height which encloses the tokamak providing the vacuum environment (10-3 Pa). Due to functional purposes, the cryostat was divided into two large assemblies: the Cryostat Base (CB) and Cryostat Vessel Body Cylindrical Section (CVBCS). The CVBCS is presently being manufactured by a Spanish company and it is expected to be delivered in Naka by the middle of 2017. This piece does not include the top lid which must be provided by JAEA. The CVBCS consist of 12 individual sectors made from SS304 plates 34mm thick, weighting up to 175 tonnes, 14m external diameter and 11m height. The sectors are fully welded structures further machined at the connection flanges to get the required tolerances. The CVBCS will be assembled by mechanical connection between the individual sectors. As part of the manufacturing process after the final machining, the dimensional inspection (DI) of every individual sector is carried out by laser tracker (LT) to check the tolerances of the single pieces. Due to the large dimensions of the sectors and their high flexibility, the way to support the pieces resulted very critical for the DI as it was predicted by finite element analyses carried out. Ad hoc jigs were built to support the sector during the measurements in order to avoid distortions. Afterwards, the structure will be pre-assembled at factory for final DI. The paper will summarize the measurement procedure for the dimensional inspection of the individual sectors of CVBCS by LT, the pre-assembly and final DI procedure of the whole CVBCS.


Akira Sakasai (JAEA, Ibaraki 311-0193, Japan) Alessandro Lo Bue (Fusion for Energy, Josep Pla 2, 08019 Barcelona , Spain) Alfonso Soleto (National Laboratory for Magnetic Fusion, CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain) Alvaro Gomez (Asturfeito, Avenida de la Siderurgia, 33417 Avilés, Asturias , Spain) Antonino Cardella (Fusion for Energy, 85748 Garching bei Munchen, Germany) Esther Rincon (National Laboratory for Magnetic Fusion, CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain) Francisco Ramos (National Laboratory for Magnetic Fusion, CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain) Javier Alonso (National Laboratory for Magnetic Fusion, CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain) Jose Botija (National Laboratory for Magnetic Fusion, CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain) Kei Masaki (JAEA, Ibaraki 311-0193, Japan) Lionel Poncet (Fusion for Energy, Josep Pla 2, 08019 Barcelona , Spain) Luis Alvarez (Asturfeito, Avenida de la Siderurgia, 33417 Avilés, Asturias , Spain) Mercedes Medrano (National Laboratory for Magnetic Fusion, CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain) Pilar Fernandez (National Laboratory for Magnetic Fusion, CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain) Santiago Cabrera (National Laboratory for Magnetic Fusion, CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain) Yusuke Shibama (JAEA, Ibaraki 311-0193, Japan)

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