Sep 5 – 9, 2016
Prague Congress Centre
Europe/Prague timezone

P2.171 Lead-lithium facility with superconducting magnet for MHD/HT tests on liquid metal breeder blanket

Sep 6, 2016, 2:20 PM
1h 40m
Foyer 2A (2nd floor), 3A (3rd floor) (Prague Congress Centre)

Foyer 2A (2nd floor), 3A (3rd floor)

Prague Congress Centre

5. května 65, Prague, Czech Republic
Board: 171
Poster H. Fuel Cycle and Breeding Blankets P2 Poster session


Denis Obukhov (JSC "NIIEFA" (Efremov Institute))


This paper gives an overview of the new facility for MHD and heat transfer (HT) tests of liquid metal breeder blanket mock-ups in high magnetic field. The facility named LIMITEF5 (LIquid Metal TЕst Facility, 5 T) is under construction now in JSC “NIIEFA” (D.V. Efremov Institute). The facility includes the Lead-Lithium (LL) loop passing through the warm aperture of the superconducting magnet. Superconducting magnet is planned to be supplied in 2016 and be put in operation in 2017 with the following characteristics: -         magnetic field induction is up to 5.5 T; -         dimensions of the magnet “warm” working zone: diameter – 900 mm, length – 1600 mm; -         winding design: low temperature superconducting split solenoid. LL loop consists of melting and feeding tanks; main loop with MHD pump, electromagnetic flow meter, calibration nozzle, heat exchanger and blanket mock-up; bypasses for LL control and purification system containing oxygen sensor, plug indicator, cold trap, LL sampler; gas-vacuum and data acquisition systems. Loop main parameters are the following: LL inventory ~ 80 liters, LL temperature – 250-350°C, LL flow rate – up to 4 m33/h, pressure developed by MHD pump – up to 0.5 MPa. LL loop will be installed in the middle of 2016 and preliminary tests will be carried out in 2016 including MHD tests in magnetic field of 1T with existing dipole magnet. The details of the lead-lithium ceramic breeder test blanket module (LLCB TBM) mock-up for MHD tests in magnetic field of ~5T which is under conceptual design are also given.


Alexander Hon (JSC "NIIEFA" (Efremov Institute), Doroga na Metallostroy, 3, St-Petersburg, Russian Federation) Andrey Lancetov (JSC "NIIEFA" (Efremov Institute), Doroga na Metallostroy, 3, St-Petersburg, Russian Federation) Andrey Pugachev (Forss Consulting Ltd, Magnitogorskaya street, 51, lit. E, St-Petersburg, Russian Federation) Denis Obukhov (JSC "NIIEFA" (Efremov Institute), Doroga na Metallostroy, 3, St-Petersburg, Russian Federation) Dmitrii Pertsev (JSC "NIIEFA" (Efremov Institute), Doroga na Metallostroy, 3, St-Petersburg, Russian Federation) Elena Zapretilina (JSC "NIIEFA" (Efremov Institute), Doroga na Metallostroy, 3, St-Petersburg, Russian Federation) Igor Kirillov (JSC "NIIEFA" (Efremov Institute), Doroga na Metallostroy, 3, St-Petersburg, Russian Federation) Igor Rodin (JSC "NIIEFA" (Efremov Institute), Doroga na Metallostroy, 3, St-Petersburg, Russian Federation) Kirill Komov (JSC "NIIEFA" (Efremov Institute), Doroga na Metallostroy, 3, St-Petersburg, Russian Federation) Oleg Kovalchuk (JSC "NIIEFA" (Efremov Institute), Doroga na Metallostroy, 3, St-Petersburg, Russian Federation)

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