Yuri Igitkhanov
Yu. Igitkhanov, R. Fetzer and B. Bazylev
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany
The first assessments has shown that the edge localized modes (ELM) in the fusion power plant DEMO will pose a severe tread to the plasma facing components (PFC) by causing a surface melting and erosion [1]. In this work we estimate the degree of the ELM mitigation required for sustaining of W-armour during operation in the temperature range above ~700°C and below the recrystallization temperature ~1300°C. The characteristics of the edge localized modes in the next step reactor are re-estimated and derived by using the scaling arguments found in experiments, the prediction of peeling-ballooning mode theory and by extrapolating results made for ITER. The tungsten armour damage of the PFC pressured water cooled module due to the repetitive ELM loads is numerically investigated by using the MEMOS code [2]. It is shown that for the controlled ELMs a pressured water reactor conditions in DEMO can ensure an effective cooling and prevent materials of the PFC modules from distortion.
[1] Yu. Igitkhanov, B. Bazylev, IEEE Journal and Magazines, v.42, issue 9, p.2284
[2] B. Bazylev et.al, J. Nucl. Mat. 307-311, 69, 2002
Yuri Igitkhanov
(ITEP, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany)