Domenico Marzullo
(Department of Industrial Engineering)
This paper presents the pre-conceptual design activities conducted for the European DEMO divertor, focusing on cassette design and Plasma Facing Components (PFC) integration. Following the systems engineering principles for the conceptual stage, high level design requirements are collected and conceptual 3D model of divertor’s cassette is presented. The work moved from the geometrical and interface constraints imposed by the 2015 DEMO configuration model. Then, since different materials will be used for cassette and PFCs, the divertor geometry has been developed taking into account the cooling parameters of the cassette Eurofer steel and the integration of PFCs cooling system. Accordingly, the design process led to a double wall cassette structure with internal reinforcing ribs to withstand cassette coolant pressure and three different kinds of piping schemes for PFCs with dual circuits. These three solutions differs in the feeding pipes layouts and target manifold protection and they have been proposed and evaluated considering heat flux issues, shielding problems, interface requirements with blanket and vacuum vessel and remote maintenance needs.
Moreover, in this work two solutions for a two-body split cassette are proposed, with the aim of studying the feasibility of a separate inboard/outboard maintenance process. A cassette parametric shell model has been used to perform first structural analyses of the cassette body against coolant pressure.
Taking advantages of the parametric surface modelling and its linkage with Finite Element (FE) code, the cassette ribs layout and thickness has been evaluated and optimized, considering at the same time the structural strength needed to withstand the coolant parameters and the maximum stiffness required for cassette preloading and locking needs.
Domenico Coccorese
(Department of Industrial Engineering, CREATE/University of Naples Federico II, Piazzale Tecchio 80, 80125 Napoli, Italy)
Domenico Marzullo
(Department of Industrial Engineering, CREATE/University of Naples Federico II, Piazzale Tecchio 80, 80125 Napoli, Italy)
Giuseppe Di Gironimo
(Department of Industrial Engineering, CREATE/University of Naples Federico II, Piazzale Tecchio 80, 80125 Napoli, Italy)
Giuseppe Mazzone
(Unità Tecnica Fusione, ENEA C. R. Frascati, via E. Fermi 45, 00044 Frascati (Roma), Italy)
Jeong-Ha You
(Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Boltzmann Str. 2, 85748 Garching, Germany)