Jean-Marcel Travere
The WEST (W Environment for Steady-state Tokamak) [1] project consists in a major upgrade of the superconducting medium size tokamak Tore Supra to minimize risks for the ITER divertor procurement in terms of cost, delays and performance. This modification consists in changing the present circular magnetic configuration to a divertor configuration and implementing an ITER like actively cooled Tungsten divertor. Heat load on divertor target will range from a few MW/m22 up to 20MW/m22 depending on the X point location and the heat flux decay length. To operate this new W actively-cooled facility the Wall Monitoring System (WMS) has been set-up to deal with such issues. The WMS will be based on an intensive use of image and multi-sensor analysis. The WMS has been divided in three parts; before discharge a pre-pulse analysis tool to check compatibility between plasma scenario and PFCs operational limits; during discharge a real-time system taking into account all necessary measurements involved in the PFCs protection; after discharge a set of analysis tools accessing WEST database for plasma wall interaction understanding and comparison between prediction and experimental results
This paper provides a complete description of the WMS architecture with prelimary results for the three WMS parts: the pre-pulse Power Load Analysis Tool (PLATo) applied to foreseen WEST plasma scenarii on both inertial and actively-cooled components; DWMS real-time system architecture, features and performances and post-pulse analysis software package ThermaVIP capabilities.
1. J. Bucalossi et al., Fusion Engineering and Design 89 (2014) 907–912
Benjamin Santraine
(CEA/IRFM, 13108 - Saint Paul Lez Durance CEDEX, France)
Colette Balorin
(CEA/IRFM, 13108 - Saint Paul Lez Durance CEDEX, France)
Eric Nardon
(CEA/IRFM, 13108 - Saint Paul Lez Durance CEDEX, France)
Hemant Joshi
(Institute for Plasma Research, Near Indira Bridge, Bhat, Gandhinagar- 382 428, Gujarat, India)
Jean-Marcel Travere
(CEA/IRFM, 13108 - Saint Paul Lez Durance CEDEX, France)
Jerome Bucalossi
(CEA/IRFM, 13108 - Saint Paul Lez Durance CEDEX, France)
Jonathan Gaspar
(IUSTI UMR 7343, CNRS, Aix-Marseille University - 5 rue Enrico Fermi, F-13453 Marseille, France)
Mehdi Firdaouss
(CEA/IRFM, 13108 - Saint Paul Lez Durance CEDEX, France)
Michel Jouve
(CEA/IRFM, 13108 - Saint Paul Lez Durance CEDEX, France)
Nathalie Ravenel
(CEA/IRFM, 13108 - Saint Paul Lez Durance CEDEX, France)
Philippe Moreau
(CEA/IRFM, 13108 - Saint Paul Lez Durance CEDEX, France)
Remy Nouailletas
(CEA/IRFM, 13108 - Saint Paul Lez Durance CEDEX, France)
Sutapa Ranjan
(Institute for Plasma Research, Near Indira Bridge, Bhat, Gandhinagar- 382 428, Gujarat, India)
(CEA/IRFM, 13108 - Saint Paul Lez Durance CEDEX, France)
Tran-Thanh Ngo
(CEA/IRFM, 13108 - Saint Paul Lez Durance CEDEX, France)
Victor Moncada
(ThermaDIAG, 100 Impasse des Houllières, ZA Le Pontet, F-13590 Meyreuil, France)
Vishnu Chaudhari
(Institute for Plasma Research, Near Indira Bridge, Bhat, Gandhinagar- 382 428, Gujarat, India)
Yann Corre
(CEA/IRFM, 13108 - Saint Paul Lez Durance CEDEX, France)