Sep 5 – 9, 2016
Prague Congress Centre
Europe/Prague timezone

P2.203 Accident analysis of helium cooled ceramic breeder test blanket system

Sep 6, 2016, 2:20 PM
1h 40m
Foyer 2A (2nd floor), 3A (3rd floor) (Prague Congress Centre)

Foyer 2A (2nd floor), 3A (3rd floor)

Prague Congress Centre

5. května 65, Prague, Czech Republic
Board: 203
Poster J. Power Plants Safety and Environment, Socio-Economics and Technology Transfer P2 Poster session


Jiangtao Jia (Key Laboratory of Neutronics and Radiation Safety)


With China signing Test Blanket Module Arrangement (TBMA) with ITER Organization for Helium Cooled Ceramic Breeder (HCCB) Test Blanket System (TBS) in February 2014, Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology (INEST), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), becomes one of the leading teams undertaking its corresponding research and development, and is mainly responsible for structure material development and safety analysis. As an important part of the HCCB TBS safety assessment, accident analysis will be presented in this paper with the updated identification of reference accidents based on the approved version of preliminary safety report by IO, and more scenarios will be simulated and then analyzed using the thermal hydraulics code RELAP 5, such as the helium ingress into the HCS cooler. Uncertainty evaluation by the performance of sensitivity analyses will be used to assess the influence of variations to specific inputs/variables/models on the significant parameter results. The uncertainty analysis approach of RELAP5 is Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty (BEPU) and will be extended for HCCB TBS to provide a direct understanding of the contribution of variations to specific parameters. The primary objective of the above analysis is to evaluate the consequential radiological doses outside the ITER facility in scenarios selected to envelope all conceivable events, and thereby demonstrate compliance with the General Safety Objectives of the project. Keywords: HCCB TBS, accident analysis, RELAP


Chao Chen (Key Laboratory of Neutronics and Radiation Safety, Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei, Anhui, China) Chao Liu (Key Laboratory of Neutronics and Radiation Safety, Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei, Anhui, China) Jiangtao Jia (Key Laboratory of Neutronics and Radiation Safety, Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei, Anhui, China) Jieqiong Jiang (Key Laboratory of Neutronics and Radiation Safety, Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei, Anhui, China) Neda Sahebi (Key Laboratory of Neutronics and Radiation Safety, Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei, Anhui, China) Zhibin Chen (Key Laboratory of Neutronics and Radiation Safety, Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei, Anhui, China)

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