Kumarpalsinh Jadeja
(Institute for plasma Research)
The First Indian tokamak, ADITYA had successfully completed 25 years of operation of limiter plasma at the Institute for Plasma Research (IPR). After achieving the targeted plasma and successfully carrying out many major tokamak experiments, the up-gradation of ADITYA tokamak with diverter configuration was planed. The upgradation includes the replacement of rectangular cross section vacuum vessel by circular cross section vacuum vessel to accommodate divertor coils in space between vessel and toroidal field coils. The new toroidal vacuum vessel has been designed with two semi-tori having electrical isolation at two junctions. The major radius (0.75 m) and minor radius (0.25 m) has been kept same as of old torus so as to accommodate the new torus inside the toroidal field coils. In order to accommodate as many numbers of diagnostics as possible, the ADITYA-U vessel is designed to have 112 port openings compared to 48 ports in ADITYA vessel. The leak proof, UHV condition, precise dimensions and lots of weld and demountable joints in the new vessel made the fabrication job very challenging. The ADITYA-U vacuum vessel of SS304L has been precisely fabricated as per IPR design by Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. under the supervision of IPR scientists. The factory and IPR site acceptance tests of new vessel have been completed successfully, such as dimensional measurement, leak test, pressure, baking. The final acceptable tests have been carried out successfully as results of local leak rate <5x10-10-10 mbar.l/s and global leak rate <5x10-8-8 mbar.l/s, UHV test as <10-9-9 mbar, vessel baking >150° C. After external testing, the vessel is installed successfully in ADITYA-U tokamak structure. In this paper, we present the all details of ADITYA-U vacuum vessel like design, analysis, fabrication, acceptance, installation and operation to ascertain its suitability for the plasma experiments.
Dhiraj Bora
(Institute for plasma Research, Gandhinagar, India)
Joydeep Ghosh
(Institute for plasma Research, Gandhinagar, India)
Kaushal Patel
(Institute for plasma Research, Gandhinagar, India)
Kulav Rathod
(Institute for plasma Research, Gandhinagar, India)
Kumarpalsinh Jadeja
(Institute for plasma Research, Gandhinagar, India)
Rakesh Tanna
(Institute for plasma Research, Gandhinagar, India)
Shailesh Bhatt
(Institute for plasma Research, Gandhinagar, India)
Vishnu Prajapati
(Institute for plasma Research, Gandhinagar, India)
Yogesh Saxena
(Institute for plasma Research, Gandhinagar, India)