Alberto Brighenti
(Energy Department)
In the European path towards the tokamak reactor DEMO, led by the EUROfusion consortium with the aim of demonstrating electricity production by fusion energy by 2050, the Toroidal Field Coils are under conceptual design. Three different winding pack (WP) options have been proposed by different European parties. In this paper, we consider the ENEA proposal, featuring a layer-wound WP with graded superconductor cross section, in the different layers, depending on the magnetic field. The conductors are obtained from a circular cable-in-conduit conductor (CICC) compacted to a rectangular shape. Two out of six petals are wound around a small spiral, resulting in two low-impedance cooling channels. The WP is encased in a thick stainless steel casing, cooled separately by dedicated cooling channels (CCC) connected to a dedicated refrigeration loop.
The 4C code, already successfully used to model the entire DEMO TF coil, is applied here to investigate two off-normal operating conditions resulting from a partial flow blockage in a CICC or from the plugging of one CCC.
First, we investigate the effect on the coil performance of a partial collapse of one of the low-impedance channels falling in the most critical WP layer from the temperature margin point of view. The redistribution of the mass flow rate within the WP, driven by the increase in the hydraulic impedance in the partially chocked channel, is evaluated. The capability of the other channel to tackle the locally partial chocked flow is assessed, when this flow blockage occurs during a plasma burn. Then, the plugging of one of the CCCs in the most critical (plasma facing) side of the casing is analysed, again investigating the impact on the TF coil performance during a plasma burn.
Alberto Brighenti
(Energy Department, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy)
Laura Savoldi
(Energy Department, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy)
Luigi Muzzi
(ENEA, Frascati, Italy;ICAS, Frascati, Italy)
Roberto Bonifetto
(Energy Department, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy)
Roberto Zanino
(Energy Department, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy)
Simonetta Turtu'
(ENEA, Frascati, Italy;ICAS, Frascati, Italy)