Sep 5 – 9, 2016
Prague Congress Centre
Europe/Prague timezone

P4.017 Feasibility study for an advanced nuclear fusion experiment

Sep 8, 2016, 2:20 PM
1h 40m
Foyer 2A (2nd floor), 3A (3rd floor) (Prague Congress Centre)

Foyer 2A (2nd floor), 3A (3rd floor)

Prague Congress Centre

5. května 65, Prague, Czech Republic
Board: 17
Poster A. Experimental Fusion Devices and Supporting Facilities P4 Poster session


Dario Andres Cruz Malagon (DENERG)


Nuclear Fusion is a candidate as a long-term energy solution for developed countries. A fusion plasma can be fuelled by different kinds of isotopes. The advantages of Deuterium-Helium-3 (DHe) plasmas of advanced fusion reactors lie in the scarcity of neutrons (due to side DD and DT reactions), and direct conversion of the produced energy without thermal cycle. The proposed CANDOR DHe plasma experiment design, based on the technologies developed for Ignitor, has been recently reviewed. The design evolution, called Candor-II, is presented: it should be able to reach fusion conditions on a DHe plasma based on existing technologies and knowledge. The new device is intended to be the cornerstone for studies of DHe plasmas: its dimensions are larger than Ignitor, although still compact and based on the same operating components. Detailed investigations by NASA show that obtaining He3 from the moon surface is technically feasible and economically viable. The annual fuel needs for Candor-2 would amount in around 2 g of He3, that is, around 60 g for all its operating life. Lunar mobile mining techniques, with the concept of a mobile miner, were developed by NASA. The net annual collection rate of such a unit is 33 kg of He3. Concerning costs, the total cost of extraction of He3, all inclusive from lunar mining down to He3 transportation to Earth is estimated to be 1000 USD/g Therefore, the fuel cost for Candor would be around 60.000 USD in 30 years, or around 2000 USD per year. Our study on DHe compact high-magnetic field tokamaks shows that no environmental problems arise from such devices, from the radiological point of view. The DHe fusion cycle offers strong safety advantages and could be the ultimate response to the environmental requirements for future nuclear power plants.


Bruno Coppi (MIT, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge (MA), United States) Dario Andres Cruz Malagon (DENERG, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy) Massimo Zucchetti (DENERG, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy)

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