Sep 5 – 9, 2016
Prague Congress Centre
Europe/Prague timezone

O1C.3 Results of the first JT-60 SA TF coils tests in the Cold Test Facility

Sep 5, 2016, 5:20 PM
Meeting Hall V 2nd floor (Prague Congress Centre)

Meeting Hall V 2nd floor

Prague Congress Centre

5. května 65, Prague, Czech Republic
Board: 3
Oral E. Magnets and Power Supplies O1C


Walid Abdel Maksoud (CEA)


JT-60SA is a fusion experiment which is jointlyconstructed by Japan and Europe and which shall contribute to the earlyrealization of fusion energy, by providing support to the operation of ITER,and by addressing key physics issues for ITER and DEMO. In order to achievethese goals, the existing JT-60U experiment will be upgraded to JT-60SA byusing superconducting coils. The 18 TF coils of the JT-60SA device are providedby European industry and tested in a Cold Test Facility (CTF) at CEA Saclay.The first coils were tested at the nominal current of 25.7 kA and at atemperature between 5 K and 7.5 K. The main objective of these tests is tocheck the TF coils performances and hence mitigate the fabrication risks. Thesefirst tests allowed checking a certain number of performances of the TF coils:DC/AC insulation, cooling down characterization, RRR of the conductor, pressuredrop in the winding pack and temperature margin against a quench. This paperwill give an overview of the main experimental results obtained during thesetests. These results will be analyzed and discussed in the light of theexpected TF coils performances.


Alexandre Torre (CEA, CADARACHE, France) Daniel Ciazinsky (CEA, CADARACHE, France) Laurent Genini (CEA, GIF SUR YVETTE, France) Patrick Decool (CEA, CADARACHE, France) Walid Abdel Maksoud (CEA, GIF SUR YVETTE, France) Yawei Huang (CEA, GIF SUR YVETTE, France)

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