Weibin Xi
(Tokamak Design Division)
The original EAST magnet feeders have been operated for over 7 years since 2006. With the improvement of experimental parameters, a new magnet feeder system has been designed for the upgrade project of the EAST. It consists of 13 pairs of superconducting bus-lines with total length over 900 m and 13 pairs high temperature superconducting current leads. Each original bus-line connecting new cable in conduit conductors by twin-box lap joints, is extended to 22 m. a pair of 16.5 kA current leads are designed and fabricated. The insulation resistance between the TF bus-lines and the ground after the installation is 450 MΩ, and the resistances of the PF bus-lines are over 1500 MΩ. The average DC resistance of the 26 twin-box lap joints is below 5 nΩ after the feeders being cooled to the operation temperatures. The total heat load into the 5 K zone in bus-line groups was calculated to be less than 0.3 W/m. Three physics experiments from 2014 have demonstrated successfully the new magnet feeder system is stable in the operation.
Haisheng Zhu
(Tokamak Design Division, Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, Hefei, China)
Kaizhong Ding
(Tokamak Design Division, Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, Hefei, China)
Sikui Yu
(Tokamak Design Division, Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, Hefei, China)
Weibin Xi
(Tokamak Design Division, Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, Hefei, China)
Xiao Yu
(Tokamak Design Division, Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, Hefei, China)
Yong Cheng
(Tokamak Design Division, Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, Hefei, China)
Yuntao Song
(Tokamak Design Division, Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, Hefei, China)