Min Pan
(Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology of Materials (Ministry of Education))
Irradiation damage research is one of the basic issues to solve the application of first-wall materials in fusion engineering. The diffusion and recovery of the defects can greatly affect the performance of the materials in fusion. The rotation, stability, migration of the self-interstitial atoms (SIAs) in defect structures of tungsten is investigated by the first-principle method. It is found that the <11h>dumbbell have a lower formation energy than <111>dumbbell and a higher local charge density distribution in the self-interstitial atoms rotation. Further confirmation has been done from the uniaxial strain that the uniaxial modulus M of <11h> has a minimum value of 518Gpa in crystal tungsten. The results give a powerful evidence for the microscopic mechanisms of the stability of <11h> SIA style. Nevertheless, the <11h> SIA configure played an important role in the recovery process in irradiation damage.
Min Pan
(Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology of Materials (Ministry of Education),Superconductivity and New Energy R&D Center, Southwest JiaoTong University, mail stop 165, China)