G Douglas Loesser
G. Douglas Loesser1,Joris Fellinger22, Hutch Neilson11, John Mitchell11, Marc Sibilia11, Han Zhang11, P. Titus11, Irving Zatz1,1,, Arnie Lumsdaine33, Dean McGinnis33
1Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, James Forestall Campus, Princeton, NJ 08542, USA
2Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Teilinstitut Greifswald, Wendelsteinstraße 1, 17491, Greifswald, Germany
3Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6169, USA
Wendelstein 7-X stellarator in Greifswald (Germany) successfully started operation in 2015 with short pulse limiter plasmas. Longer pulsed operation is planned and will require the addition of test divertor units (TDU) with “scraper elements” in front of the divertors leading edges. The TDU scraper is intended to test whether the scraper will protect the divertor as predicted and to assess the impact on pumping. These TDU-SE components will be located in two of the ten half modules during W7-X OP1.2 operation. The passively cooled limiters (TDU-SE) will be instrumented with diagnostics to monitor the impact of the scraper element on the plasma and will be monitored with IR and VIS cameras.
The design was developed considering the limited and restrictive installation space available as well as the prescribed plasma facing surface shape and alignment required of the assembly. This paper describes issues driving design considerations and analysis of the scraper element in Wendelstein 7-X.
A complementary paper in this conference entitled “Design and Integration of uncooled scraper element in Wendelstein 7-X” by Joris Fellinger, describes the project goals and integration of these elements into W7-X.
G Douglas Loesser
(Engineering, PPPL, Princeton, NJ, United States)