JongSung Park
(Fusion Engineering Center)
A preliminary study on the rigorous 2-step (R2S) based shutdown dose rate calculations has been performed for the Korean fusion demonstration reactor (K-DEMO) in the vicinity of an equatorial port area using the coupled transport and activation calculation codes of MCNP6 and FISPACT. For the shutdown dose rate calculation, the equatorial port structures and port plug including shielding blocks were integrated into the modified equatorial port of the previously developed K-DEMO neutronic analysis model [1,2] using the CAD (Pro-EngineerTMTM) and Monte Carlo Automatic Modeling (MCAM) programs. Then, the neutron fluxes, nuclear heating induced by neutrons and secondary gammas, and shutdown dose rate with cell-based R2S method have been calculated in all the equatorial port components. The shielding calculation by changing its thickness has also been performed to provide adequate neutron and radiation shields to protect toroidal field (TF) coils and to reduce the dose level below 100 mSv/h at 1066 s after shutdown in the equatorial port where the personnel access for the maintenance is required. The analysis results of preliminary shutdown dose rate of all the components in the equatorial port area exceed the design target value of 100 μSv/h due to the temporally applied shielding without iterative calculations. In order to deal with this, iterative shielding calculations by changing its thickness are currently under investigation.
[1] J. S. Park, S. Kwon, K. Im, K. Kim, T. Brown, G. Neilson, Pre-conceptual design study on K-DEMO ceramic breeder blanket, Fusion Engineering and Design 100 (2015) 159-165.
[2] J. S. Park, K. Im, and S. Kwon, "Development of the Advanced Neutronic Analysis Model for the K-DEMO with MCNP Code", SOFE-2015 (Austin, USA, May 31 - June 4, 2015) SP1-3 unpublished.
JongSung Park
(Fusion Engineering Center, DEMO Technology Division, National Fusion Research Institute (NFRI), Daejeon, South Korea)
Kihak Im
(Fusion Engineering Center, DEMO Technology Division, National Fusion Research Institute (NFRI), Daejeon, South Korea)
Sungjin Kwon
(Fusion Engineering Center, DEMO Technology Division, National Fusion Research Institute (NFRI), Daejeon, South Korea)