Sep 5 – 9, 2016
Prague Congress Centre
Europe/Prague timezone

P3.150 Development of electron beam welding technologies for fabrication of the KO HCCR TBM

Sep 7, 2016, 11:00 AM
1h 20m
Foyer 2A (2nd floor), 3A (3rd floor) (Prague Congress Centre)

Foyer 2A (2nd floor), 3A (3rd floor)

Prague Congress Centre

5. května 65, Prague, Czech Republic
Board: 150
Poster H. Fuel Cycle and Breeding Blankets P3 Poster session


Jae Sung Yoon (KAERI)


Korea has designed a helium cooled ceramic reflector (HCCR) test blanket module (TBM), including a TBM shield, called a TBM set, that will be tested in ITER. The HCCR TBM is composed of four sub-modules and a back manifold. In addition, each sub-module is composed of a first wall (FW), a breeding box with seven-layer breeding zone (BZ), and side walls with the cooling path. Korean RAFM steel was developed as a structural material for the HCCR TBM, and advanced reduced activation alloy (ARAA) was selected as the primary candidate from various program alloys. Welding technologies for fabrication of the HCCR TBM were developed using ARAA. To establish and optimize welding procedures for electron beam welding of an ARAA material, variations in welding current and speed were investigated. Tensile, hardness, impact, bend, and microstructure characteristics were performed before and after post-weld heat treatment to evaluate the welded specimen under the determined welding conditions.


Dong Won Lee (KAERI, 111, Daedeok-daro 989, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, South Korea) Eo Hwak Lee (KAERI, 111, Daedeok-daro 989, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, South Korea) Hyung Gon Jin (KAERI, 111, Daedeok-daro 989, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, South Korea) Jae Sung Yoon (KAERI, 111, Daedeok-daro 989, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, South Korea) Seungyon Cho (NFRI, 169-148 Gwahak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, South Korea) Suk-Kwon Kim (KAERI, 111, Daedeok-daro 989, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, South Korea)

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