Naveen Rastogi
(Remote Handling Division)
An integrated control system architecture has been defined for the implementation of ITER Remote Handling (RH) equipment systems. The RH Core System (RHCS) is a standard software platform used for the development of ITER RH equipment controller applications to facilitate the integration with this system. It installs on top of the CODAC core system and provides a uniform platform for the development of remote handling control applications. The RH core system is packaged using several open source tools and libraries including OROCOS, KDL, GSL, Eigen, Eclipse, maven, etc. It emphasizes the usage of OROCOS real-time tool chains in building individual control system components that are highly configurable and interactive. The communication between the control room and the embedded control applications is achieved using the standard Controller Interface Protocol defined by ITER. Prototyping work has been carried out for the development of individual sub-systems including RH equipment controller, viewing system, virtual reality monitoring system and RH plant controller built on the RH core system using the standard network communication protocols of ITER. All the individual sub-systems have been integrated into a prototype work cell and successfully tested on a COTS robot manipulator to study the real-time performance aspects of the software ecosystem.
This paper presents the design & implementation of the prototype work-cell and concludes by suggesting recommendations for the next version of the ITER RH core system.
David Hamilton
(Remote Handling & Radioactive Materials Division, ITER Organization, St Paul Lez Durance Cedex – France, France)
J.K Mukherjee
(Electronics and Instrumentation Services Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, India)
Krishan Kumar Gotewal
(Remote Handling Division, Institute for Plasma Research, Gandhinagar, India)
Manoah Stephen
(Remote Handling Division, Institute for Plasma Research, Gandhinagar, India)
Naveen Rastogi
(Remote Handling Division, Institute for Plasma Research, Gandhinagar, India)
Pramit Dutta
(Remote Handling Division, Institute for Plasma Research, Gandhinagar, India)
Vamshi Krishna
(Electronics and Instrumentation Services Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, India)