Day 1.
13:30 Welcoming and Introduction to BIT1 (David Tskhakaya, 30 min)
14:00 Productive simulation examples (TBD 30 min)
15:00 accessing SC (BIT1 team, up to 30 min)
Coffee brake (15:00 - 15:30)
15:30 Training 1 (two groups: for advanced users and beginners)
generating input files for test runs and submitting jobs (BIT1 team, 30 min)
16:00 Training 2: becoming familiar with the postprocessing tools (Matlab and Python) and analyzing simulation results (BIT1 team, 60 min)
17:00 Setting up productive runs (BIT1 team, 60 min)
Day 2.
09:00 Training 3: Analyses of simulation results from the previous day and updates (BIT1 team 40 min)
Presentations on BIT1:
09:40 Parallel I/O (Stefan Costea, 40 min)
Coffee break (10:20 – 10:50)
10:50 BIT1 profiling and optimizations (Jeremy Williams, 40 min)
11:30 Atomic and Plasma-surface interaction physics in BIT1 (Tskhakaya, 40 min)
Lunch at the menza (12:10 – 13:10)
Examples of other MC codes
13:10 ERO2.0 code for impurity modelling (Samuel Lukes, 40 min)
13:50 EIRENE module for neutral modelling (Daniel Svorc, 40 min)
14:30 – 15:30 Examples of other PIC codes; TBD e.g. PIConGPU, SPICE2, etc. 60 min
Coffee break (15:30 – 16:00)
16:00 Training 4: Analysis of ongoing simulations (BIT1 team, 60 min)
17:00 General discussion (all, 30 min)
17:30 Visiting COMPASS-U Machine hall
19:30 meeting dinner (place TBD)
Day 3
09:00 GPU porting of BIT1 (Jeremy Williams, 40 min)
Examples of productive runs with BIT1
09:40 Modelling of COMPASS-U SOL (Jakub Hromadka/David Tskhakaya, 40)
Coffee break (10:20 – 10:50)
10:50 First experience with PIC modelling of the plasma sheath (Simon Vrba, 30)
11:20 Future plans for BIT family (BIT2 and BIT3) codes (Tskhakaya, 30 min)
11:50 Final discussions (all, 30 min)
12:20 Adjourn