Viacheslav Budaev
(NRC Kurchatov Institute, NRU 'MPEI')
Statistical characteristics of edge plasma turbulence in fusion devices are reviewed. The edge turbulence has a complicated multiscale structure. The anomalous transport of mass and momentum is intermittent and is carried by sporadic plasma flux bursts with non-Gaussian statistics, long-range correlation and multifractality. Fluctuations are characterized by the generalized (extended) self-similarity in an extended scale range. The generalized self-similarity (scale invariance) is described in frame of the log-Poisson turbulence model which allows to suggest different functional dependences of the scaling on the geometry of the particular dissipative structures. 1D (filamentary) and 2D (sheet-like) dissipative structures emerging in the cascade process were studied. Many of the scalings experimentally obtained in fusion as well as in space plasmas have been found to be quite close to the scaling predicted by the model for 1D dissipative structures. Turbulent transport scaling can be evaluated using the universal log-Poisson model parameters. Intermittent turbulent transport in such plasmas is characterized by superdiffusion with power law *x* ^ 2 ~ *t* ^ *a*, *a* is from 1.2 to 1.8 demonstrating the universal properties of intermittent turbulence.
The work was supported by the RF Megagrant No. 14.Z50.31.0042.
1. V.P. Budaev, S.P. Savin, L.M. Zelenyi, Intermittency and generalized observations self-similarity of turbulent boundary layers in laboratory and magnetospheric plasmas: towards quantifying transfer characteristics, Physics Uspekhi, 181, №9, p. 905-952 (2011).
2. V. P. Budaev, L. M. Zelenyi and S. P. Savin, Generalized self-similarity of intermittent plasma turbulence in space and laboratory plasmas, Journal of Plasma Physics 81, 06 , 395810602 (53 pages) (2015).
Primary author
Viacheslav Budaev
(NRC Kurchatov Institute, NRU 'MPEI')