Jul 9 – 10, 2018
Europe/Prague timezone

Spectral gyrokinetic implementation of sonic rotation

Jul 10, 2018, 12:30 PM
Oral presentation Role of the electric field in coupling divertor, SOL and edge plasma


Dr Jeff Candy (General Atomics)


Sonic toroidal plasma flow, on the order of the ion sound speed, arises in tokamaks due to external torque driven by neutral beam injection. This flow has a profound effect on drift-wave turbulence and corresponding radial transport fluxes. Historically, gyrokinetic theory and simulation operate (almost) exclusively in the weak rotation limit, retaining only the E$\times$B flow, Coriolis drift and toroidal rotation shear. However, correct treatment of the sonic rotation regime requires the inclusion of centrifugal effects, which are quadratic in the Mach number. In 1998, Sugama formulated a comprehensive and rigorous gyrokinetic system that describes sonic rotation and associated centrifugal terms, and is valid for general electromagnetic perturbations [1]. This formulation, importantly, includes the corresponding particle, energy, momentum and exchange transport coefficients which are required to obtain the correct equations for profile evolution. We show that the most general implementation is critically important for the study of heavy impurity transport. In particular, using the more accurate theory, nonlinear turbulent fluxes for tungsten are radically different than in the weak-rotation regime. In this presentation we give particular emphasis to a discussion of a new approach for the implementation of shear in the E$\times$B flow. This shear is different than the previous rotation terms in that it cannot be treated simply or directly in a flux-tube. In the past, E$\times$B shear has been treated using either *non-periodic boundary conditions*, or in the case of flux-tube codes, using a discontinuous *wavenumber shift* method [2]. We report on the development of a new discrete *wavenumber advection* algorithm that treats the shear with spectral accuracy without spurious boundary effects or a discontinuous time-history. Because the new algorithm may also be used to treat profile shear, it is well-suited to treat multiscale gyrokinetic simulations in the steep-gradient pedestal region.

Primary author

Dr Jeff Candy (General Atomics)


Dr Emily Belli (General Atomics)

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