- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
This meeting will focus on hands-on development and direct exchanges. This will be a good opportunity to try using the input dataset of the benchmark cases with various simulators, and provide direct feedback to the data providers.
Date: Tuesday 18th to Thursday 20th March 2025 Location: Prague, Czech Republic
The meeting is organized by IPP of Czech Academy of Science (CAS) and Eurofusion.
The meeting is organized at the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (IPP CAS), U Slovanky 1a, 18200 Prague. Details: https://www.ipp.cas.cz/o-ufp/kontakt/. The meeting room will be our main seminar room , located right on the first floor when you climb the stairs at the entrance. Remote connections details will be communicated to TSVV-15 participants who will not attend in person, but we encourage in-person participation, since most of the meeting will be organized as a workshop and informal discussions.
Note: IPP CAS has limited parking capabilities. Therefore, it is recommended to inform the local organizing committee to reserve a parking place.
Trolleybus line 59: Connects the airport to Nádraží Veleslavín, a metro station on the green line A, which leads to Prague's city center. You can connect to line C (red) at metro station Muzeum.
The IPP of the CAS is located along the metro line C (red) at station Ladvi.
The Hotel Duo, located a 20-minute walking distance from the IPP CAS, or one stop by metro is the most convenient option : http://www.duohotelprague.com/. the location of the hotel is near metro line C (red) : station Střížkov.
There are a few cheaper options available around the metro station Kobylisy (line C): you can check by yourself on booking.com or other platforms.
There is a large number of restaurants near the Metro station Ladvi. We recommend the nearest canteen (Slovanka) if you prefer the fastest option.